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Vote! And weekend update...

"People never lie so much as before an election, during a war, or after a hunt." -- Otto von Bismarck

Things are heating up as we draw closer to the big election tomorrow. Our phone's been ringing off the hook with political recordings hoping to sway our opinion. I'm happy we don't watch TV, I can't imagine how littered it is with public announcements, slanders, promises, and lord knows what else.

My decisions all stem from one of my basic values: I would rather be free and unsafe than safe and not free.

So I'll be out at the polls tomorrow, offering my two cents by way of the ballot.

What else? Busy, fabulous weekend, beginning with a silent auction to benefit breast cancer research (at which we met some very cool people with whom I hope to hang out soon), middling with a spectacular dinner with warm, cheery company in a beautiful spot with a view (and did I mention how tasty that spectacular dinner was? YUM!), and ending with a surprise.

What's the surprise you might wonder? Well, we "thought" we were attending a party to commemorate the revealing of a public piece of art in Imperial Beach. But when we arrived at the location, a private residence of some old friends, all dressed up with wine in hand, confusion ensued until the hostess, realizing what happened, burst into laughter. Finally, she filled us in -- "The party was yesterday," she said. But she insisted we stay for dinner, which was just about finished, and she even drove us the few blocks to see the very cool art instillation. We are morons. But we still had a lot of fun.

What else? Fuck, I'm procrastinating. Okay. Back to it. Work is good. And Life is supercalifradgey.


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Vote! And weekend update... 2006-11-06 3:27 p.m. "People never lie so much as before an election, during a war, or after a hunt." -- Otto von Bismarck

Things are heating up as we draw closer to the big election tomorrow. Our phone's been ringing off the hook with political recordings hoping to sway our opinion. I'm happy we don't watch TV, I can't imagine how littered it is with public announcements, slanders, promises, and lord knows what else.

My decisions all stem from one of my basic values: I would rather be free and unsafe than safe and not free.

So I'll be out at the polls tomorrow, offering my two cents by way of the ballot.

What else? Busy, fabulous weekend, beginning with a silent auction to benefit breast cancer research (at which we met some very cool people with whom I hope to hang out soon), middling with a spectacular dinner with warm, cheery company in a beautiful spot with a view (and did I mention how tasty that spectacular dinner was? YUM!), and ending with a surprise.

What's the surprise you might wonder? Well, we "thought" we were attending a party to commemorate the revealing of a public piece of art in Imperial Beach. But when we arrived at the location, a private residence of some old friends, all dressed up with wine in hand, confusion ensued until the hostess, realizing what happened, burst into laughter. Finally, she filled us in -- "The party was yesterday," she said. But she insisted we stay for dinner, which was just about finished, and she even drove us the few blocks to see the very cool art instillation. We are morons. But we still had a lot of fun.

What else? Fuck, I'm procrastinating. Okay. Back to it. Work is good. And Life is supercalifradgey.