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"He who binds to himself a joy,/ Does the winged life destroy;/ He who kisses the joy as it flies,/ Lives in Eternity's sunrise." -- William Blake

Gobble. Gobble gobble gobble. Mmmm, poultry. Yesterday, we paused on the road to allow four GIANT turkeys walk across the street. Wild turkeys on the island, I guess no one caught those guys, they're free for one more year. It was cool to see it, though, it really ties everything together and I'll think of them in their bird-like majesty as I'm munching on one of their brethren this evening. Mmmm. Gobble.

It's raining out, we all know how much I love that. It's cold and blustery, perfect weather for gathering inside over warm food and drink, with friends and family and sweaters and socks and cider and cocoa and all the wonderful tastes and smells and sounds that I associate with the holidays. Mmmm. I want to gobble it all up.

I'm stoked that the gym was open, me and the brother-in-love were up at dawn and worked up a sweat. My legs are wobbly. 60 squats and 20 lunges, Charlie would be proud. The Vineyard gym was packed -- guilt-free eating, burning extra calories makes up for eating extra calories.


I have more to be thankful for than I could type on this laptop before it gets old and dies on me.

I have love. I have health. I have joy. I have family. I have friends. I have warmth and a rewarding job and the life I've always dreamed of and the perfect partner for me and laughter every day and endless adventures of learning and loving. For these things and a million more, I am thankful.

I brought my camera along and will be taking pictures. Oh, yeah. May you be so fortunate as to have food on your table and, unlike 99% of the world, experience food coma because you have more than you could ever need.


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Thanksgiving 2006-11-23 8:42 a.m. "He who binds to himself a joy,/ Does the winged life destroy;/ He who kisses the joy as it flies,/ Lives in Eternity's sunrise." -- William Blake

Gobble. Gobble gobble gobble. Mmmm, poultry. Yesterday, we paused on the road to allow four GIANT turkeys walk across the street. Wild turkeys on the island, I guess no one caught those guys, they're free for one more year. It was cool to see it, though, it really ties everything together and I'll think of them in their bird-like majesty as I'm munching on one of their brethren this evening. Mmmm. Gobble.

It's raining out, we all know how much I love that. It's cold and blustery, perfect weather for gathering inside over warm food and drink, with friends and family and sweaters and socks and cider and cocoa and all the wonderful tastes and smells and sounds that I associate with the holidays. Mmmm. I want to gobble it all up.

I'm stoked that the gym was open, me and the brother-in-love were up at dawn and worked up a sweat. My legs are wobbly. 60 squats and 20 lunges, Charlie would be proud. The Vineyard gym was packed -- guilt-free eating, burning extra calories makes up for eating extra calories.


I have more to be thankful for than I could type on this laptop before it gets old and dies on me.

I have love. I have health. I have joy. I have family. I have friends. I have warmth and a rewarding job and the life I've always dreamed of and the perfect partner for me and laughter every day and endless adventures of learning and loving. For these things and a million more, I am thankful.

I brought my camera along and will be taking pictures. Oh, yeah. May you be so fortunate as to have food on your table and, unlike 99% of the world, experience food coma because you have more than you could ever need.