"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." -- Thomas Paine
WOW! Our room is AMAZING. This hotel is unlike anything I've ever seen before. Right now we're at the Conrad Tokyo, it's a Hilton I believe. We're in a garden room, so from our windows I see the canal, a bridge, Tokyo Bay, and plenty of city lights. Pictures will be coming soon!
We just got up and had breakfast (also amazing) and David is prepping the video camera so we can video tape our adventures today as we go through the public garden and check out the department stores, and whatever else we find on the way.
The weather is beautiful, our room and hotel has exceeded every possible expectation, and we are facing the great unknown of a foreign land -- adventures to experience and lessons to learn.
We're giddy with anticipation, and incredibly grateful to be here together. Banzai!
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