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Even MORE pictures from Japan!

"Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action." -- James Russell Lowell

Ah, how Japanese this poet sounds. Speaking of Japan, are you sick of my pictures yet? Because I have another batch! This one was taken mostly at Kinnotake, the second ryokan we stayed at. CLICK HERE FOR PHOTO SET. Oh, but there's ANOTHER set! I just posted one called Toolin' Around Tokyo. There's some funky stuff to see, including me and David trying to make kabuki samurai faces.

The food at this place was MUCH more challenging, as was the extremely hot hot hot tub. As with the previous sets, I have elaborate captions that provide extra details on what you are seeing. I hope you enjoy the show!

A few more sets are coming soon. Last night was David's big reception and it was a huge success. I wouldn't even know where to begin when describing the emminent and very, very kind people who attended and what a blast we had. We didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning. Tonight we want to go back to Shibuya (pics coming soon) and check out the naughty part of town. Yeah, baby!


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Even MORE pictures from Japan! 2007-01-12 5:16 p.m. "Every man feels instinctively that all the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action." -- James Russell Lowell

Ah, how Japanese this poet sounds. Speaking of Japan, are you sick of my pictures yet? Because I have another batch! This one was taken mostly at Kinnotake, the second ryokan we stayed at. CLICK HERE FOR PHOTO SET. Oh, but there's ANOTHER set! I just posted one called Toolin' Around Tokyo. There's some funky stuff to see, including me and David trying to make kabuki samurai faces.

The food at this place was MUCH more challenging, as was the extremely hot hot hot tub. As with the previous sets, I have elaborate captions that provide extra details on what you are seeing. I hope you enjoy the show!

A few more sets are coming soon. Last night was David's big reception and it was a huge success. I wouldn't even know where to begin when describing the emminent and very, very kind people who attended and what a blast we had. We didn't get home until the wee hours of the morning. Tonight we want to go back to Shibuya (pics coming soon) and check out the naughty part of town. Yeah, baby!