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NON-Japan pics and little update

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." -- Thomas Jefferson

I have pictures that have NOTHING to do with Japan! I know, it's about time, right? These photos (If you CLICK HERE you'll see them), are in a set of only 12 shots. You'll be in and out in no time.

The set includes shots from photo l.a., a few of some friends, a few of my father, and a few of a wacky accident we watched take place from our living room. I explain everything in the captions.

Today is Friday, and in about half and hour I'll join my Dad to drop off meals for sufferers of AIDS. After that, I hope to stop by a museum to visit a friend and check out some art. Tomorrow night, it's comedy time! It's been too long since I have seen comedy live, so I'm looking forward to an evening of laughter with my beh beh and a few friends.

Alrighty, that's about all the "pep" I have in me right now. More to come and thanks for clicking!


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NON-Japan pics and little update 2007-01-26 3:14 p.m. "Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear." -- Thomas Jefferson

I have pictures that have NOTHING to do with Japan! I know, it's about time, right? These photos (If you CLICK HERE you'll see them), are in a set of only 12 shots. You'll be in and out in no time.

The set includes shots from photo l.a., a few of some friends, a few of my father, and a few of a wacky accident we watched take place from our living room. I explain everything in the captions.

Today is Friday, and in about half and hour I'll join my Dad to drop off meals for sufferers of AIDS. After that, I hope to stop by a museum to visit a friend and check out some art. Tomorrow night, it's comedy time! It's been too long since I have seen comedy live, so I'm looking forward to an evening of laughter with my beh beh and a few friends.

Alrighty, that's about all the "pep" I have in me right now. More to come and thanks for clicking!