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I love Me

"You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." -- John Wooden

Well, the parents left this morning, and David's sister will be back tomorrow to stay with us through Thursday. Yesterday, my man's family met mine for the first time, and today I am working on the article to describe this momentous encounter.

The weekend was nice, they had a great time, and there weren't too many offenses, I don't think. I have tons of pictures that, once I get through some crazy deadlines this week, I'll be able to post and caption.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night, Das Uber Pig 2, a big dinner party at a friend's house, oh yeah. Then I need to nix the social food stuffs for a while, because I'm powering through these last hunks of burning love to get to that mini-me size I've been slowly approaching for the last year or so.

Have you said "I love you" to yourself today?


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I love Me 2007-04-09 2:11 p.m. "You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you." -- John Wooden

Well, the parents left this morning, and David's sister will be back tomorrow to stay with us through Thursday. Yesterday, my man's family met mine for the first time, and today I am working on the article to describe this momentous encounter.

The weekend was nice, they had a great time, and there weren't too many offenses, I don't think. I have tons of pictures that, once I get through some crazy deadlines this week, I'll be able to post and caption.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow night, Das Uber Pig 2, a big dinner party at a friend's house, oh yeah. Then I need to nix the social food stuffs for a while, because I'm powering through these last hunks of burning love to get to that mini-me size I've been slowly approaching for the last year or so.

Have you said "I love you" to yourself today?