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The Feather Affair & My Hilarity

Last night, I slept at M.s.�s, as I usually do. This morning, my father called me at my office, and the following dialogue ensued (please note, this is not verbatum, I�ve done a lot between this morning and now, but all the meat is there):

Dad: Barb, a horrible thing happened last night.

Barbarella: What? Are you okay? What happened?

Dad: At around 4 a.m., there was a loud noise, and then a lot of loud noises, like cats fighting in an alley, hissing and crazed.

Barbarella: Oh, the cats were fighting? Sorry they woke you up...

Dad: No, there�s more. I went out into the living room, in the dark, and saw what I thought was an eagle that had flown into the apartment somehow, torn apart by the evil black-faced one (he�s referring to my cat that he calls �bitch-kitty� here), and feathers were EVERYWHERE.

Barbarella: hee hee. I�m sorry, I don�t mean to laugh. Was it a bird? Did you leave the windows open? What happened?

Dad: I turned on the light, and in the middle of the room, filled with feathers on every surface and two cats, was the boa. I put what�s left of it in my room for you. Cats are like kids, honey, you can�t leave ANYTHING out, or they�ll get to it. The good news is, there was no blood.

He left the feathers, though, so I imagine I�ll be picking those up while I curse and giggle at my cats later this evening, after I take my final, after work, man I�m busy. I�m worried about this final, it�s like I�ve got it, this last 10 weeks of math, but when I tackle a problem, I do it all wrong, I get all mental about it. I�ll do fine, it will be fine. It might not be another A, but a B is alright by me just to get to the next class, the even busier class, the class that will consume me come Tuesday.

But BEFORE that, I�ve got a long weekend ahead of me here! A half-day tomorrow, a party on Friday, and then a weekend of relaxation (and a bit of studying for my next class). Yay! Alright, back to work. Perhaps I should go home for lunch today and begin my feather cleanup. I wonder which boa they got. It�s a good thing my red & black boa is stashed safely at M.s.�s, along with many other sexy items. Ah yes, sexy items. Now THAT�S a good way to spend the weekend. I think I know what I�m doing on Saturday, and it rhymes with �a fuse in by cave.�

Hee hee. It also rhymes with �more gas ma�am.� Slanted, of course. Just like me.


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The Feather Affair & My Hilarity 2003-07-02 11:34 a.m. Last night, I slept at M.s.�s, as I usually do. This morning, my father called me at my office, and the following dialogue ensued (please note, this is not verbatum, I�ve done a lot between this morning and now, but all the meat is there):

Dad: Barb, a horrible thing happened last night.

Barbarella: What? Are you okay? What happened?

Dad: At around 4 a.m., there was a loud noise, and then a lot of loud noises, like cats fighting in an alley, hissing and crazed.

Barbarella: Oh, the cats were fighting? Sorry they woke you up...

Dad: No, there�s more. I went out into the living room, in the dark, and saw what I thought was an eagle that had flown into the apartment somehow, torn apart by the evil black-faced one (he�s referring to my cat that he calls �bitch-kitty� here), and feathers were EVERYWHERE.

Barbarella: hee hee. I�m sorry, I don�t mean to laugh. Was it a bird? Did you leave the windows open? What happened?

Dad: I turned on the light, and in the middle of the room, filled with feathers on every surface and two cats, was the boa. I put what�s left of it in my room for you. Cats are like kids, honey, you can�t leave ANYTHING out, or they�ll get to it. The good news is, there was no blood.

He left the feathers, though, so I imagine I�ll be picking those up while I curse and giggle at my cats later this evening, after I take my final, after work, man I�m busy. I�m worried about this final, it�s like I�ve got it, this last 10 weeks of math, but when I tackle a problem, I do it all wrong, I get all mental about it. I�ll do fine, it will be fine. It might not be another A, but a B is alright by me just to get to the next class, the even busier class, the class that will consume me come Tuesday.

But BEFORE that, I�ve got a long weekend ahead of me here! A half-day tomorrow, a party on Friday, and then a weekend of relaxation (and a bit of studying for my next class). Yay! Alright, back to work. Perhaps I should go home for lunch today and begin my feather cleanup. I wonder which boa they got. It�s a good thing my red & black boa is stashed safely at M.s.�s, along with many other sexy items. Ah yes, sexy items. Now THAT�S a good way to spend the weekend. I think I know what I�m doing on Saturday, and it rhymes with �a fuse in by cave.�

Hee hee. It also rhymes with �more gas ma�am.� Slanted, of course. Just like me.