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Pre-opening Success!

WAH! I don�t WANNA do my homework! But I will, I will. I know I will. There�s just something so satisfying about indulging in a little whiny bitching before I get down to the task. It�s innate for me to complain about something I don�t want to do, even when I know that I will do it anyway, and end up happier for having done it. Don�t ask, we�re all wired differently.

What a GREAT weekend!!! What a GREAT party!!! How FABULOUS the gallery looks! M.s. is so talented, so exact, so full of executable vision! I just rubbed jalapeno in my eye! I�ll be right back...

Lesson learned - do not get overly excited and then rub your eye if there is a) salt; b) pepper; c) jalapeno powder on your finger. But now that my eye is rinsed, back to my update!

Friday night I was able to fit everything in. Happy hour with the owners of M.s.�s building, the Burning Man party at Ronaldo�s, and picking up my father from the airport. Everything worked out perfectly, and I had no stress - aahhhhhh. Saturday was BUSY. My day basically consisted of running errands, a few in the morning, a few in the afternoon, and watching M.s. and his assistant whip the gallery into shape with last-minute details. Saturday night - perfection.

Friends, family and a few from the �other� category all gathered in the gallery, enjoyed the drinks and the food, and most of all - the art. M.s. IS very talented, after all, and it was HIS spectacular work on the walls. It was a hit. Bobo took video (I can�t wait to see it all!) I was a bustle of social energy, running around and trying to chat with everyone. It was easier when things winded down a bit (at one point, there were about 60 people in that room). As the evening ebbed away, my heels came off and I was able to relax some more and chat with friends. My father was there, my mother showed earlier with Faye and son (my nephew), it was wonderful!

Finally, all of these people I know and love were able to see the amazing work my man has been doing. I felt very proud. Around 1 a.m., M.s. and I were finally able to get horizontal, and we relished the feeling of laying down in the dark room and just feeling the comfort of the soft bed. Mmmmmmmm, soooooft.

Sunday we had lunch with Ollie & Ronaldo and then did absolutely nothing for the afternoon, and by nothing I mean we watched a whole lotta Queer Eye (hence all the homework I have to do tonight, but it was worth it). Then we met up with a lovely crew for a Moroccan dinner at a restaurant in La Jolla. The food was tasty, the belly dancer was talented, and the conversation was hilarious. Bee&Gee, Steve&Jen, Spider Monkey & O.H., Ronaldo & Lady, Ollie, me, and M.s. A good crew, a good time, a wonderful way to end a productively fabulous weekend.

Life is good, beh beh. Life is pretty fucking good. Even with homework.


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Pre-opening Success! 2003-10-20 1:16 p.m. WAH! I don�t WANNA do my homework! But I will, I will. I know I will. There�s just something so satisfying about indulging in a little whiny bitching before I get down to the task. It�s innate for me to complain about something I don�t want to do, even when I know that I will do it anyway, and end up happier for having done it. Don�t ask, we�re all wired differently.

What a GREAT weekend!!! What a GREAT party!!! How FABULOUS the gallery looks! M.s. is so talented, so exact, so full of executable vision! I just rubbed jalapeno in my eye! I�ll be right back...

Lesson learned - do not get overly excited and then rub your eye if there is a) salt; b) pepper; c) jalapeno powder on your finger. But now that my eye is rinsed, back to my update!

Friday night I was able to fit everything in. Happy hour with the owners of M.s.�s building, the Burning Man party at Ronaldo�s, and picking up my father from the airport. Everything worked out perfectly, and I had no stress - aahhhhhh. Saturday was BUSY. My day basically consisted of running errands, a few in the morning, a few in the afternoon, and watching M.s. and his assistant whip the gallery into shape with last-minute details. Saturday night - perfection.

Friends, family and a few from the �other� category all gathered in the gallery, enjoyed the drinks and the food, and most of all - the art. M.s. IS very talented, after all, and it was HIS spectacular work on the walls. It was a hit. Bobo took video (I can�t wait to see it all!) I was a bustle of social energy, running around and trying to chat with everyone. It was easier when things winded down a bit (at one point, there were about 60 people in that room). As the evening ebbed away, my heels came off and I was able to relax some more and chat with friends. My father was there, my mother showed earlier with Faye and son (my nephew), it was wonderful!

Finally, all of these people I know and love were able to see the amazing work my man has been doing. I felt very proud. Around 1 a.m., M.s. and I were finally able to get horizontal, and we relished the feeling of laying down in the dark room and just feeling the comfort of the soft bed. Mmmmmmmm, soooooft.

Sunday we had lunch with Ollie & Ronaldo and then did absolutely nothing for the afternoon, and by nothing I mean we watched a whole lotta Queer Eye (hence all the homework I have to do tonight, but it was worth it). Then we met up with a lovely crew for a Moroccan dinner at a restaurant in La Jolla. The food was tasty, the belly dancer was talented, and the conversation was hilarious. Bee&Gee, Steve&Jen, Spider Monkey & O.H., Ronaldo & Lady, Ollie, me, and M.s. A good crew, a good time, a wonderful way to end a productively fabulous weekend.

Life is good, beh beh. Life is pretty fucking good. Even with homework.