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And I'm wearing pigtails!

I sit here, ready to embark on a glorious weekend. Why so glorious you wonder? Because the weather is clear, and I am feeling great, that�s why. Sinus infection - gone. Other ills that have plagued me for the last week or so - just about nil. It feels so GOOD to feel good! And yet, I�m so happy to have had the experience of feeling icky for the last several weeks, so that I can further appreciate the wonders of simply feeling good.

I moved the girls upstairs last night. They seem to be taking to the new place quite nicely, but then again, I expected as much. It�s all the same shit, just turned around and a whole lot neater. Soon I�ll paint my room and add some furniture, organize and settle in even more. My view is AMAZING. I can see Point Loma from my bedroom window, along with incredible sunsets, flowers & green, and little birds on wires.

I had dinner with Dad (we treated ourselves to a nice, swanky place - Chicken Pie Shop), always a joy. Then I laughed with M.s. for a while before going to sleep. Sometimes, silly is stupendously fun! Today�s been slow at the office, so I�ve been having fun with gallery stuff, looking online for artists and filling out forms for new businesses. All that, AND I got a demand and plenty of discovery out the door! Is there anything she CAN�T do? Nope.

Sunday is Father�s Day. I�m looking forward to spending a day with my sisters, actually. I so rarely get to see them, and this will be concentrated family time. I can feel rejuvenation afoot, and I can sense the giggles welling up inside of me, preparing for the inevitable outburst that occurs when my sisters are around me. To sum it all up, I�m really fuckin� happy.


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And I'm wearing pigtails! 2003-06-13 2:43 p.m. I sit here, ready to embark on a glorious weekend. Why so glorious you wonder? Because the weather is clear, and I am feeling great, that�s why. Sinus infection - gone. Other ills that have plagued me for the last week or so - just about nil. It feels so GOOD to feel good! And yet, I�m so happy to have had the experience of feeling icky for the last several weeks, so that I can further appreciate the wonders of simply feeling good.

I moved the girls upstairs last night. They seem to be taking to the new place quite nicely, but then again, I expected as much. It�s all the same shit, just turned around and a whole lot neater. Soon I�ll paint my room and add some furniture, organize and settle in even more. My view is AMAZING. I can see Point Loma from my bedroom window, along with incredible sunsets, flowers & green, and little birds on wires.

I had dinner with Dad (we treated ourselves to a nice, swanky place - Chicken Pie Shop), always a joy. Then I laughed with M.s. for a while before going to sleep. Sometimes, silly is stupendously fun! Today�s been slow at the office, so I�ve been having fun with gallery stuff, looking online for artists and filling out forms for new businesses. All that, AND I got a demand and plenty of discovery out the door! Is there anything she CAN�T do? Nope.

Sunday is Father�s Day. I�m looking forward to spending a day with my sisters, actually. I so rarely get to see them, and this will be concentrated family time. I can feel rejuvenation afoot, and I can sense the giggles welling up inside of me, preparing for the inevitable outburst that occurs when my sisters are around me. To sum it all up, I�m really fuckin� happy.