Freakin� Fabulous Friday! How I missed you! Let�s see, what�s on the agenda for this weekend... ooh, so much! I�ll get back to that. First, an update:
Last night, we fondued (seriously, I swear it�s like, becoming a verb and shit). Forever Fondue, M.s., Ollie and I drank ourselves buzzed and dipped to our hearts� delight. It was Ollie�s first time, you know. That�s right, Mr. �can we be less vaginal please,� I�m going to tell these nice people everything about you. Just kidding.
What fun to laugh and dip and laugh some more! And better yet, I did not suffer from the same excruciating torment that tortured my body after my last visit to Forever Fondue. It looks like a little Lactaid was all I needed. The caramel apple martinis were delicious, and the chocolate strawberries were divine. Yummy.
Okay, the plans � tonight I am going to the Mr. & Mrs. Deaf Leather Contest at the Hole. That�s right. Everything you ever wanted in a Leather Contest AND obscene ASL. I have a little crew going, I�m sure it will be great fun! A drink, a stage, deaf citizens in leather laughing and signing obscenities in good cheer, what more could you ask for of a Friday night?
I�ll be missing the Golden Hangar Fashion Show and subsequent after-party, which is unfortunate, because Fizgig is providing wonderful music for the show and the after-party promises to be THE place to be late into the evening. But I need to get to bed fairly early, because... MIKEY�S 40th Birthday Party and Gay Pride start bright and early in the morning!
That�s right, tomorrow morning is the annual brunch/birthday/pride party hosted by the most fabulous host in town, Mikey V. Tasty food, good friends, and a few hours later, the Gay Pride Parade. People everywhere, smiling, marching, watching, dressed up, dressed down, it�s a people-watcher�s paradise. My eyes will feast upon the faces, color and movement until I�m stuffed and bloated with tasty images, just to head back to Mikey�s and have a taste of his delectable dishes. Oh yes, it�s on.
Sunday, M.s.�s brother will be in town. We�ll play it mellow (that is, after I meet with my classmates, god help me), and then head to Shakespeare�s Pub early in the evening for Quiz Night! More friends and smart people, a better edge, who knows... maybe this time we�ll win!
The weekend is close, I can smell it in the air. In the meantime, the lawyers are back today... it�ll be a busy one, making 4 o�clock Friday as sweet as chocolate on strawberries and caramel apple martinis.
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