Today�s date is SO divisible by 3, it�s not even funny. A day of 3s, a sky with clouds, I�m feeling pretty good despite the fact that my sleep was restless. I blame that on post-nasal drip now, as I clear my throat every few minutes. Yummy.
Yesterday I had lunch with Johnny , what a joy! It was nice to catch up with the now purple-haired boy. Very hot, I must say, that striking hair. After work I went for a walk with my father through Mission Hills. What a beautiful evening (if you can call it that with the sun still so bright, so tangible with its warmth).
I�m struggling to figure out what the fuck to do for my birthday. It�s beginning to look like a Sunday afternoon picnic/party thing. I�ve half a mind to not bother at all, I mean how selfish of me to force attendance, to juggle schedules just to have my closest friends� full attention for a few hours? Is it obnoxious to plan your own birthday? Is it tacky? I never thought so, and I think I�ve thrown some pretty good gatherings in the past. All for the greater good, right?
If they�re having fun, who cares if the reason for the gathering is me? What better way to take credit for a good party than to dub it your birthday party? Ah, fuck it. I�ll figure it out. Expect an email soon with details, and I�ll do my best to avoid the TWO weddings, the TWO 30th birthdays, and anything else that has the audacity to be scheduled the weekend after MY day.
Yes, Sunday afternoon looks fantastic! I�ll put it in the works immediately. Stay tuned. Back on a not-so-selfish front, I�m looking forward to this weekend, to having Bobo and Sweet Pea over for a ridiculously Vegan dinner. And everyone will eat, drink and be merry and all because of ME! Oh, heh heh. I mean all because M.s. is cooking and this is not about me and I can deal with that, though I will �pretend� it�s all about me, which for some sick and twisted reason will make it so much more enjoyable.
Hey, I never said I was perfect. However, I DO expect to be treated as though I am. Capiche?
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