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Ready for the Holidays

Saturday night was a complete delight for everybody who attended the birthday boy�s party. M.s. was adorable, receiving people and well-wishes with dimples and grins. Fizgig & Curious G brought the music and set up their dj spot on a table in the corner. We drank and ate and danced the night away! We sang Happy Birthday and watched the man of the hour make his wish and deftly blow out the candles. What fun! What success! What a joy it was to see friends come and celebrate!

Earlier that day, I ran the first credit card sale through our machine at the gallery. If you build it, they will come. M.s. is going to be interviewed and recorded for the next Lenswork Magazine, in addition to having his photos grace its pages in February�s issue. What a star, what a star. It�s all very exciting, and he deserves all the recognition and attention that he gets.

Last night, after closing the gallery, we went to... THE MALL. Strapping on our �attitude caps,� we were able to trudge through the crowds, the screaming kids, and the aggressive shoppers with smiles on our faces and good holiday cheery intentions to pick out just the right gifts for my family members. With an ever-growing family, I�ve pretty much stopped getting gifts for friends at the holidays - no money, no time, no gift = no stress. That�s what birthdays are for. Three sisters, two brothers-in-law, a mother, a father, a niece & a nephew. And M.s., of course, but that doesn�t count - getting something for him is more of an adventure than a chore. As a matter of fact, I've had something for both him and my father for weeks now. It's so much easier to shop for the people you see every day, and know VERY well.

These next three weeks are going to be packed with fun events! I�m not sure which ones we�ll choose to go to, but whatever we do, I am confident that it will be wonderful.

After all, it IS such a wonderful life.


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Ready for the Holidays 2003-12-22 1:04 p.m. Saturday night was a complete delight for everybody who attended the birthday boy�s party. M.s. was adorable, receiving people and well-wishes with dimples and grins. Fizgig & Curious G brought the music and set up their dj spot on a table in the corner. We drank and ate and danced the night away! We sang Happy Birthday and watched the man of the hour make his wish and deftly blow out the candles. What fun! What success! What a joy it was to see friends come and celebrate!

Earlier that day, I ran the first credit card sale through our machine at the gallery. If you build it, they will come. M.s. is going to be interviewed and recorded for the next Lenswork Magazine, in addition to having his photos grace its pages in February�s issue. What a star, what a star. It�s all very exciting, and he deserves all the recognition and attention that he gets.

Last night, after closing the gallery, we went to... THE MALL. Strapping on our �attitude caps,� we were able to trudge through the crowds, the screaming kids, and the aggressive shoppers with smiles on our faces and good holiday cheery intentions to pick out just the right gifts for my family members. With an ever-growing family, I�ve pretty much stopped getting gifts for friends at the holidays - no money, no time, no gift = no stress. That�s what birthdays are for. Three sisters, two brothers-in-law, a mother, a father, a niece & a nephew. And M.s., of course, but that doesn�t count - getting something for him is more of an adventure than a chore. As a matter of fact, I've had something for both him and my father for weeks now. It's so much easier to shop for the people you see every day, and know VERY well.

These next three weeks are going to be packed with fun events! I�m not sure which ones we�ll choose to go to, but whatever we do, I am confident that it will be wonderful.

After all, it IS such a wonderful life.