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Socializing Ahead, Sweetness Behind

�Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.� - Albert Einstein

This will be my first psycho-social weekend in a LONG time. Meaning, I�m packing it tighter than a PTA mother�s ass. Allow me to give you the low-down: Tonight I�ll be swinging by Ronaldo�s for his lovely woman�s gallery opening. Fizgig will be providing the music, art will provide the ambiance, and friends will provide the smiles. It will be sweet and brief, because I�ll be rushing up to La Jolla to dine with the birthday girl while we watch belly dancers and drink wine at a lovely little restaurant . She�ll be turning 26. Ah, I remember when I was 26-years-old. I should, it was 8 months ago. This is a new crowd for me, these folks tonight, and I look forward to meeting the birthday girl�s friends and having some fun.

I am wearing new RED glasses! They are fabulous, and M.s. helped me pick them out. I told you he was gay. I should be picking up my new, red sunglasses by next week! Shaped like horizontal diamonds, surely to disturb the blue-hairs. I can�t wait.

Saturday, I have to somehow cram traffic school and the writing of a 5-page paper explaining exactly why I think I deserve this little scholarship. Well, because it�s based on GPA, and you need at least a 3.8, while I have a 3.93. That�s why. Oh, and because you WANT someone like me representing this school once I get my degree. Trust me, I�ve seen some other graduates, and I ain�t terribly impressed. You need this. I wonder how they�d react if I took that angle? It might be fun as a project, but 2500 bucks is 2500 bucks, and at over 1000 per class, I could use this tiny dent in my loan. But I digress. After all of this WORK, I will be heading to an extraordinary birthday party for two extraordinary people.

Zen Dom, is that what we�re calling you now? Previously known as Master Love, and Lovely Liza (entrepreneur and exceptional hottie) are having a dual birthday party at a local dungeon, and I will be there with My slave to celebrate and play. Hee hee. Liza is coming down from L.A. for the affair, and I am excited to celebrate with her and Zenny (I just can�t, in good conscious, not make fun of the name, babe). I have no idea what I will wear, but it will be fetishy and fun, and the new glasses are a must!

Many other faces that I know and miss will be there, perhaps behind masks, or otherwise revealed to excess (mmm, excess). Speaking of wonderful friends, I dined with Spider Monkey last night in Little Italy. Though we scored a parking spot right next to the ballpark downtown before the big game, it seemed as if every restaurant had a ridiculous wait, so we headed north a little. WOW, though, downtown was so DIFFERENT! A cute young woman stood on top of a box and played an accordion, for christ�s sake! There were musicians and performers on almost every corner, and WASPs were swarming the streets. Police were EVERYWHERE, and there were so many new buildings up that we got lost twice. Shit, I�ve got to get to know my town again, because this is a San Diego I did not recognize.

Little Italy was refreshing for that very reason. The buildings may be new, but I�m there enough to have gotten used to them by now. Whew! Dinner was sweet, and watching a comedy show with M.s. while we intermittently attacking each other during commercials was delicious. Have a great weekend!


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Socializing Ahead, Sweetness Behind 2004-04-16 8:48 a.m. �Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.� - Albert Einstein

This will be my first psycho-social weekend in a LONG time. Meaning, I�m packing it tighter than a PTA mother�s ass. Allow me to give you the low-down: Tonight I�ll be swinging by Ronaldo�s for his lovely woman�s gallery opening. Fizgig will be providing the music, art will provide the ambiance, and friends will provide the smiles. It will be sweet and brief, because I�ll be rushing up to La Jolla to dine with the birthday girl while we watch belly dancers and drink wine at a lovely little restaurant . She�ll be turning 26. Ah, I remember when I was 26-years-old. I should, it was 8 months ago. This is a new crowd for me, these folks tonight, and I look forward to meeting the birthday girl�s friends and having some fun.

I am wearing new RED glasses! They are fabulous, and M.s. helped me pick them out. I told you he was gay. I should be picking up my new, red sunglasses by next week! Shaped like horizontal diamonds, surely to disturb the blue-hairs. I can�t wait.

Saturday, I have to somehow cram traffic school and the writing of a 5-page paper explaining exactly why I think I deserve this little scholarship. Well, because it�s based on GPA, and you need at least a 3.8, while I have a 3.93. That�s why. Oh, and because you WANT someone like me representing this school once I get my degree. Trust me, I�ve seen some other graduates, and I ain�t terribly impressed. You need this. I wonder how they�d react if I took that angle? It might be fun as a project, but 2500 bucks is 2500 bucks, and at over 1000 per class, I could use this tiny dent in my loan. But I digress. After all of this WORK, I will be heading to an extraordinary birthday party for two extraordinary people.

Zen Dom, is that what we�re calling you now? Previously known as Master Love, and Lovely Liza (entrepreneur and exceptional hottie) are having a dual birthday party at a local dungeon, and I will be there with My slave to celebrate and play. Hee hee. Liza is coming down from L.A. for the affair, and I am excited to celebrate with her and Zenny (I just can�t, in good conscious, not make fun of the name, babe). I have no idea what I will wear, but it will be fetishy and fun, and the new glasses are a must!

Many other faces that I know and miss will be there, perhaps behind masks, or otherwise revealed to excess (mmm, excess). Speaking of wonderful friends, I dined with Spider Monkey last night in Little Italy. Though we scored a parking spot right next to the ballpark downtown before the big game, it seemed as if every restaurant had a ridiculous wait, so we headed north a little. WOW, though, downtown was so DIFFERENT! A cute young woman stood on top of a box and played an accordion, for christ�s sake! There were musicians and performers on almost every corner, and WASPs were swarming the streets. Police were EVERYWHERE, and there were so many new buildings up that we got lost twice. Shit, I�ve got to get to know my town again, because this is a San Diego I did not recognize.

Little Italy was refreshing for that very reason. The buildings may be new, but I�m there enough to have gotten used to them by now. Whew! Dinner was sweet, and watching a comedy show with M.s. while we intermittently attacking each other during commercials was delicious. Have a great weekend!