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Lots to do, lots to do

My sunburn is crooked. My shirt kept opening more to the left yesterday, resulting in this deep half-V that extends from the left side of my neck, down into my cleavage. Nice. At least my diamond-shaped sunglasses didn't leave their imprint on my face.

Today is the ONLY day that is not filled with something or other on my palm pilot. I MUST be productive! I have a tendency to overwhelm myself, and if I'm not ahead of the game, I am easily stressed out.

However, I did snap out of my pissy mood. That was an annoying week of crankiness. Now, though I have a lot to do, I'm facing it with a smile and energy, rather than a grimace and lethargy. I brought my new friend... still struggling with a nickname, right now Bonita comes to mind, for a few reasons. Anyway, we had dinner at the Kensington Grill and then she accompanied us to Curious G's birthday party!

Dlove showed his tanned face, having just returned from Ecuador, where he was visiting Blove. Notice a trend? They're brothers, same last name "love." Wonderful friends, great music, and all-around good time. Saturday night I went out, you'll read about that in the music section of the Reader sometime soon I hope. It's always a fun event when Lizzie's involved, and I love spending time with a very pregnant Faye.

Okay, I'm rambling because I just woke up (at this ungodly hour of 9-something), and my mind is racing with shit I've gotta get done, so rather than bore you with nonsense, I'll go do it!

Happy Monday!


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Lots to do, lots to do 2004-07-12 9:22 a.m. My sunburn is crooked. My shirt kept opening more to the left yesterday, resulting in this deep half-V that extends from the left side of my neck, down into my cleavage. Nice. At least my diamond-shaped sunglasses didn't leave their imprint on my face.

Today is the ONLY day that is not filled with something or other on my palm pilot. I MUST be productive! I have a tendency to overwhelm myself, and if I'm not ahead of the game, I am easily stressed out.

However, I did snap out of my pissy mood. That was an annoying week of crankiness. Now, though I have a lot to do, I'm facing it with a smile and energy, rather than a grimace and lethargy. I brought my new friend... still struggling with a nickname, right now Bonita comes to mind, for a few reasons. Anyway, we had dinner at the Kensington Grill and then she accompanied us to Curious G's birthday party!

Dlove showed his tanned face, having just returned from Ecuador, where he was visiting Blove. Notice a trend? They're brothers, same last name "love." Wonderful friends, great music, and all-around good time. Saturday night I went out, you'll read about that in the music section of the Reader sometime soon I hope. It's always a fun event when Lizzie's involved, and I love spending time with a very pregnant Faye.

Okay, I'm rambling because I just woke up (at this ungodly hour of 9-something), and my mind is racing with shit I've gotta get done, so rather than bore you with nonsense, I'll go do it!

Happy Monday!