Am I just full of neglect, or what? Okay, a brief update: We got to New York on Thursday afternoon, and we were collected by my Uncle Jimmy, who took us to the swanky 60 Thompson hotel. We walked to dinner in SOHO, and at the fine Italian restaurant, we were surrounded by the likes of Lauren Hutton and John C. Reilly . The weather was perfect, and we ate on the patio.
After dinner, we said goodbye to my favorite uncle and hit up the popular rooftop garden bar at our hotel. Swanky indeed! There we met a funky couple Missouri, in town for a film festival. She wore overalls and brought her knitting, he was quiet and nice, in casual clothing. Everyone else on the rooftop looked like they stepped off the pages of the latest fashion magazines. Trendy, money, young. We had a great time with our new friends, and exchanged contact information.
Friday, we didn't find out it was raining until we stepped outside of the hotel into the onpour! Luckily, they lent us some umbrellas, and we trekked through the warm wet air to the nearest pizza joint. FINALLY, after THREE trips in the last few years to the east coast, I got to have an Italian ice! Why they don't have them here in San Diego, I do not know. But I was so happy to taste the lemon and chocolate, I could have eaten it in the rain and not have noticed.
After our very New York meal, we shopped. I mean, like, we REALLY shopped. I bought a few hats, all shipped directly to the vineyard for M.s.'s show in a few weeks. Let's put it this way: one of the hats was about a hundred dollars less than the new Treo 600 I got, and the Treo is as much as part of its name. As I dealt with my feelings of triumph over a great purchase (or several) and guilt over spending so much, we headed back to the hotel to get ready for the party.
I donned my new, cleavage exposing cocktail dress and jewelry (purchased the week before with the helpful eye of Ellen), properly puffed up my short hair and headed out with my dapper looking man. Off we went to the Friars Club for a surprise birthday party! The guest of honor and birthday boy was Dr. Michael Baden . Because he is a forensic pathologist, the entire place was done up in a skeleton theme! FUN!
Skeletons hung from the banister, bowls of skeleton candies were on the bar, white flower arrangements looked like giant skulls. Phoebe Snow , a friend of the birthday boy, was there to sing some songs, belting out old and new tunes with that powerful, crystal-clear voice. We shared our table with a New York NBC anchorman and a rock-star photographer. The photographer and his wife are officially our new friends. They were the NICEST people to have ever set foot in New York or L.A., and he is frequently in both. While Baden's beautiful wife was on stage, thanking guests and announcing the order of the evening, she mentioned three "important guests" in the crowd of 200. One was the photographer at our table, one was a woman who just had a book published, and the third was MY MAN!
Completely unexpected, both photographers at my table, M.s. and our new friend, were elated and flattered. Their women were proud. Food was delicious, conversation was interesting, and the night was a success as a surprise! Dr. Baden kept telling us, "This feels like I'm on an episode of This is Your Life !" He was glowing all night. We grabbed some party favors (little skull keychains with pictures of the birthday boy at his graduation, and other pictures with him as a young man), and caught a cab back to the hotel.
Saturday, I bought WAY too much jewelry, but I won't have to shop for a long time. Notice the word "HAVE" to. Doesn't mean I won't, dammit! I better start making some more money soon, because I sure do know how to spend it! M.s. helped me pick out some great stuff, and I furthered my guilt/triumph sensations. Another slice of pizza, another Italian ice, and we were ready for the taxi to the airport.
It was a wonderful little jaunt! Now I'm getting ready for our LONG trip this Saturday! Time is scarce, but life is fun. I'll tell you all about it.
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