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Home in Boston

Back in Boston, holy phone-reception, Batman! I must say, it's nice to not have to wake up to HAMMERING, blaring bad MUSIC, and a shaking house at 6:30 in the morning, which is what time they started that shit yesterday. Maine WAS beautiful, and I took a shitload of pics that I should be able to upload to my new site (patience, patience). When I get back to SD, I'll be meeting with the master, Dr. Zayaz, to finetune some shit before we can get things up. I'm so excited!

Today, M.s. and I will be heading to MFA. After seeing Sister Wendy speculate the stories behind a few masterpieces, I'm dying to see them for myself, and everything else in the museum she failed to mention. Nuns.

September is going to be HUGE! I'm going to go from this slow pace, vacation, doing nothing but playing scrabble and sightseeing to back-to-back appointments and work, work, work. I'm working on two more cover-stories, more music stories, and of course, I never stopped working on my weekly column. Can she handle it? That's not the half of it. Of course! That and more. Oh, much, much more.

Ah, I see the man is finally dressed and ready... time to fight the mosquitos and make it to the air-conditioned museum!


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Home in Boston 2004-08-20 8:50 a.m. Back in Boston, holy phone-reception, Batman! I must say, it's nice to not have to wake up to HAMMERING, blaring bad MUSIC, and a shaking house at 6:30 in the morning, which is what time they started that shit yesterday. Maine WAS beautiful, and I took a shitload of pics that I should be able to upload to my new site (patience, patience). When I get back to SD, I'll be meeting with the master, Dr. Zayaz, to finetune some shit before we can get things up. I'm so excited!

Today, M.s. and I will be heading to MFA. After seeing Sister Wendy speculate the stories behind a few masterpieces, I'm dying to see them for myself, and everything else in the museum she failed to mention. Nuns.

September is going to be HUGE! I'm going to go from this slow pace, vacation, doing nothing but playing scrabble and sightseeing to back-to-back appointments and work, work, work. I'm working on two more cover-stories, more music stories, and of course, I never stopped working on my weekly column. Can she handle it? That's not the half of it. Of course! That and more. Oh, much, much more.

Ah, I see the man is finally dressed and ready... time to fight the mosquitos and make it to the air-conditioned museum!