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Pics, Rules, & Marriage

The last photo shoot complete, pictures, turned in, I'm slated to be on the cover of the Reader again on August 25, so keep your eyes peeled!

This will be four (count 'em) four Readers in less than two years with my feathers and mug gracing the front page. This time, however, I have a special guest joining me in the spotlight. But you'll have to wait to find out who, because it's a secret!

Things seem to be falling into place with our new home, but nothing has been signed yet and the nerves are still high. Tentative move-in -- August 3rd. Closing date -- next Thursday. Can they get it all done in time? Stay tuned, though I don't know when the new internet service will be hooked up. Fuck, I'll update from my Treo if I have to.

Last night it was hard to get to sleep, because we were both so excited. "Remember," said M.s., "we'll have appliances already in there." Images ran through my head. How will it look? We haven't seen it anywhere near completion.

The best thing about our CC&Rs -- there are tons of rules about children, but no rules about pets. Children are basically, according to the long list of "NO"s, not allowed to linger in the lobby. But Fido and Fluffy are more than welcome. This is Hillcrest, after all, where the neighbors are gay and the topic of conversation is more likely to be politics, wine, and interior design than day care, boo boos, and reality TV. No offense to those who enjoy talking about the latter, it just ain't my cup of tea. I get my fill from my sisters anyway about the only "little darlings" I can tolerate.

Today I've mostly dicked off. I should probably get some work done, you know, bills to pay and books to buy.

By the way, thank you to those who have given me such wonderful feedback on this week's column ! It's interesting how well the public works as one woman's therapist. Working through this with my darling, publicly, had put my mind at ease. After asking myself "Do you really need this?" and learning my answer was "no", I have been able to let go of my inner turmoil and live happy and free in the knowledge that I know where I stand, and that I am okay.

I'd rather be unmarried to David a million times over than married to any other man.


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Pics, Rules, & Marriage 2005-07-22 6:51 p.m. The last photo shoot complete, pictures, turned in, I'm slated to be on the cover of the Reader again on August 25, so keep your eyes peeled!

This will be four (count 'em) four Readers in less than two years with my feathers and mug gracing the front page. This time, however, I have a special guest joining me in the spotlight. But you'll have to wait to find out who, because it's a secret!

Things seem to be falling into place with our new home, but nothing has been signed yet and the nerves are still high. Tentative move-in -- August 3rd. Closing date -- next Thursday. Can they get it all done in time? Stay tuned, though I don't know when the new internet service will be hooked up. Fuck, I'll update from my Treo if I have to.

Last night it was hard to get to sleep, because we were both so excited. "Remember," said M.s., "we'll have appliances already in there." Images ran through my head. How will it look? We haven't seen it anywhere near completion.

The best thing about our CC&Rs -- there are tons of rules about children, but no rules about pets. Children are basically, according to the long list of "NO"s, not allowed to linger in the lobby. But Fido and Fluffy are more than welcome. This is Hillcrest, after all, where the neighbors are gay and the topic of conversation is more likely to be politics, wine, and interior design than day care, boo boos, and reality TV. No offense to those who enjoy talking about the latter, it just ain't my cup of tea. I get my fill from my sisters anyway about the only "little darlings" I can tolerate.

Today I've mostly dicked off. I should probably get some work done, you know, bills to pay and books to buy.

By the way, thank you to those who have given me such wonderful feedback on this week's column ! It's interesting how well the public works as one woman's therapist. Working through this with my darling, publicly, had put my mind at ease. After asking myself "Do you really need this?" and learning my answer was "no", I have been able to let go of my inner turmoil and live happy and free in the knowledge that I know where I stand, and that I am okay.

I'd rather be unmarried to David a million times over than married to any other man.