I better charge the camera battery, because I'm going out with the LADIES tonight! Jennifer and Grace, the spectacular cleavage and the beautiful face that share the cover with me this week, are going to help me paint a small area of our town -- what else but red?
Speaking of red... M.s. has been sick all week. Because of this, I've been going about our usual routine by myself, gym in the morning, errands, etc.
Yesterday I was in a bit of a funk. I'm not sure what it was, PMS or one of those moments when all the things I want to do seem impossible and overwhelming, but whatever, I was pissy, cranky, and even sad. I went to join Jane and Bella for dinner and a movie. The time with my sister and niece cheered me up immensely, just being away from my list of things to do and getting geeky with those two curly-haired freaks.
I was already on the up-and-up driving home, but what I discovered once I got there put an even bigger smile on my face. After greeting M.s., who had just taken a shower and was standing in the kitchen sipping water in the buff, I walked into my office to check my email and saw atop my desk a shiny red vase filled with gorgeous red roses.
His thoughtfulness had me smiling the rest of the night. Even now, as I type this, my roses are in front of me, and I can't help but smile. It feels good to be loved.
Today we went down to my mother's to pick up the bicycle she offered to give me and then we took our bikes to the shop to have the tires filled with air and to purchase me a helmet. I was looking for something fun and active to do, especially on the few days we are not at the gym. So we'll give this a whirl and see how we like it.
But now, I better shower and get ready for a fun night out! First, one more sniff of these flowers and one more kiss for M.s.
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