Hm. Should I freak out? It's just stuff to do, right? Yeah. No freaky outtie. Not yet. Sigh.
This weekend was very nice, I needed that. Friday night, I saw Dead Silence, that horror flick about the curse of the dead ventriloquist lady and her 100 disturbing dolls. Wasn't that scary. Look, suddenly I'm a horror movie buff. What I mean is, I was expecting to piss myself in fear, and I was fine. The plot was actually interesting (especially when compared with that other one I saw recently, the Messengers...woof).
But even better than the movie was spending time with my friend Jen. I love her irreverent sense of humor. After the movie, we met up with our mens and a third couple and dined at Kensington Grill. Fun! Great food, David & Josue brought their own wine (mmmm) and the company, well, need I say it?
Saturday I played like a 7th Day Adventist and rested. Oh wait, no, I worked a bunch too. Okay, I worked all day and then took the night off. I was trying to get ahead because I'm going to help out Crouching Tiger Bleeding Nipple today, which meant my interviews for my calendar story had to be done BEFORE today. I'm still not done with my column, but I'm insanely optimistic and thinking that between carrying my wounded niece around and propping towels under Jane's boobs that I'll be able to get some writing in (Reason for help, Bella went through a window and got 24 stitches in her tiny little foot and now Jane has a newborn on her teat AND a temporarily crippled toddler).
I wonder if I'll end up pulling an all-nighter to get my shit done. Guess we'll see! The good news is, I'm feeling a lot better. I'll never take breathing for granted again. While on the machine this morning, run-jogging to my heart's content, I felt GREAT. Breathing deeply, endorphins racing, feeling my muscles work. It's good to feel good again.
Yesterday, had a book club meeting. Next book is the Highest Tide by Jim Lynch, check it out. Our next meeting is April 22, I'll send out a blast to my email list. After that, I joined my sister Heather at the Urban Grind and stared at my laptop for a few hours in complete frustration and fear that I was BLOCKED. Nothing coming. When I finally had a first sentence, I almost cried with relief. It shouldn't be that hard, but sometimes, when I've got other shit on my mind, it is.
Our walls are ALMOST done! Our place is going to look fantastic. I'll take some pictures when everything is back in its place and the new art is on the new walls. Let's see, what else? Just a few more weeks before David's parents and sister are here. This should be interesting. Easter bonanza. Lasagna and screaming kids. Family meets family. I'm looking forward to it.
Okay, off to the store! I have "chillinz" to see to and shit to do and an overtired, extraordinarily pained mother/sister to comfort.
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