The newest, hottest, hippest Independent Weekly has been released! In its second issue, not only does it have funny, edgy writing, but also Savage�s column, a schedule of what�s happening at all my favorite hotspots, reviews of local theater shows, AND an article about my local pasta boy. That�s right, MINE. What am I talking about? The new FAHRENHEIT , that�s what! Get it. Read it. Do what it says. It�s the Reader after a face-lift and a liposuction. Too young for red tape, you get what the writers want you to get, raw as Eddie in his hayday. But not as crass, of course.
There�s a lot going on tonight, and then into the three-day weekend. Tonight, those adorable friends of mine are performing at Scolari�s Office. Check out their new site! Bunky is always fun, but some other friends of mine are putting on their Lotus-show-thingy, a handful of Djs, a mixture of mellow friends, a swankier atmosphere. Decisions, decisions.
Tomorrow night, no choice needs to be made. I�m going to be laughing at the hilarity of Miss Margaret Cho, in person! Spider Monkey, M.s., Cabana Boy and Jack Jr., that�s right. What fun! I got these tickets so long ago that I keep forgetting about the show, but tomorrow, I�ll KNOW. Oh yes. Tomorrow, we CHO.
Hee hee. Saturday night, big birthday boy turns 30! Oh my God, I�m almost 30. Why can�t I have Evie�s fingers and freeze time, just for a bit? Why does that number make me flinch? I�m going to try not to worry about it until I�m 28. I�m 26 now, so that gives me... calculating... counting.... thinking... alright, we�re good for now. I�m looking forward to seeing the boys� and girl�s new pad in Solana Beach, looking forward to hanging out with all of my old school friends, boys of my current decade, influences on my life. I�m looking forward to spending time with them for an evening. Then Sunday, Monday, my goodness, I�ll have to tell you my plans for those days later. Like tomorrow. I keep forgetting, we�re only at Thursday here.
So onto work. I�ve got stuff to do and daydreams to have, mostly including the way My slave looked last night in those precarious positions. Sigh. Right, right. Work.
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