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Mmm, Extravagance, Fetish & tidbits

My, what an extravagant, tasty evening last night turned out to be! After work, I met up with a classmate to discover that we each need to work through the problems ourselves - it�s impossible for two people who don�t understand math to help each other understand math. I�ll leave that task to My slave. Speaking of which...

After my brief meeting, M.s. and I headed over to my place to see how burgundy would look in the room (I love how gay My man can be - style, panache, you know, GAY). I�m LOVING my space so far! While I gathered clothes and saw to my kitties, M.s. and my father talked politics - a very dangerous situation, but with two civilized good guys on opposite sides of the spectrum, I think it went alright. I like the fact that my father genuinely likes my boyfriend. It�s just one of those things that matters to me, and vice versa. But wait, I promised extravagance!

And there we went. CAF� W , or as they say in the linked article, Caf� WOW. What a great atmosphere, what wonderful service, what fabulous music, and oh my GOD, the FOOD! Yummy. Oooh, so good. From the scallop tempura in tangerine soy, to fresh fruit and cheeses, and then... the dessert. Not too sweet, not too rich, but fruity and tangy and oh so good. Plus, the ambience gave us some ideas for potential additions to my new sanctuary.

After our delectable delights and sensory stimulation, M.s. and I headed back to the zone to watch a documentary . I�ve actually seen it before, but so long ago that many things were missed on me the first time around. Some of the women seem unstable, which I found interesting, because in my mind, a truly dominant woman tends to reveal a natural sense of security and confidence. But that�s something I could analyze for hours, along with everyone I know, but I cut down on analyzing... it was taking up too much of my time and mental energy, but man, is it fun to try and figure people out. Which reminds me, I need to write in my journal at home, poor thing. But I digress. We watched the film in comfort, commented with humor and observation, M.s. so adorably chained to his chair. So sweet.

I slept so good I didn�t want to get up this morning. It was tough, I�m still dragging a bit. Then again, that could be attributed to the onslaught of female lawyers I encountered this morning, each with last minute tasks that were ALL priority. Thank you, ladies. Say, didn�t I ask you a few weeks ago if this is something we might need to do so that I could get a handle on it ahead of time? That�s funny, I believe I have that email I sent you, pleading to give me an answer some time BEFORE an hour to the deadline. Gotta love it, gotta laugh at it, because man, I don�t wanna have to kill it.

Maybe I AM addicted to caffeine. Shit. Do I have to kick that? I kicked smoking, I haven�t done a drug in god-knows-how-long (actually, I kinda have an idea, but it�s none of your business), and I very rarely drink. I�m ENTITLED to caffeine. If I lose my vices, I�ll be... �ick�... I�ll be almost virtuous . And we just can�t have that.

Okay, putting my shields back up and drawing my sword. It�s time to face the harpies again and get some work done.


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Mmm, Extravagance, Fetish & tidbits 2003-06-17 10:58 a.m. My, what an extravagant, tasty evening last night turned out to be! After work, I met up with a classmate to discover that we each need to work through the problems ourselves - it�s impossible for two people who don�t understand math to help each other understand math. I�ll leave that task to My slave. Speaking of which...

After my brief meeting, M.s. and I headed over to my place to see how burgundy would look in the room (I love how gay My man can be - style, panache, you know, GAY). I�m LOVING my space so far! While I gathered clothes and saw to my kitties, M.s. and my father talked politics - a very dangerous situation, but with two civilized good guys on opposite sides of the spectrum, I think it went alright. I like the fact that my father genuinely likes my boyfriend. It�s just one of those things that matters to me, and vice versa. But wait, I promised extravagance!

And there we went. CAF� W , or as they say in the linked article, Caf� WOW. What a great atmosphere, what wonderful service, what fabulous music, and oh my GOD, the FOOD! Yummy. Oooh, so good. From the scallop tempura in tangerine soy, to fresh fruit and cheeses, and then... the dessert. Not too sweet, not too rich, but fruity and tangy and oh so good. Plus, the ambience gave us some ideas for potential additions to my new sanctuary.

After our delectable delights and sensory stimulation, M.s. and I headed back to the zone to watch a documentary . I�ve actually seen it before, but so long ago that many things were missed on me the first time around. Some of the women seem unstable, which I found interesting, because in my mind, a truly dominant woman tends to reveal a natural sense of security and confidence. But that�s something I could analyze for hours, along with everyone I know, but I cut down on analyzing... it was taking up too much of my time and mental energy, but man, is it fun to try and figure people out. Which reminds me, I need to write in my journal at home, poor thing. But I digress. We watched the film in comfort, commented with humor and observation, M.s. so adorably chained to his chair. So sweet.

I slept so good I didn�t want to get up this morning. It was tough, I�m still dragging a bit. Then again, that could be attributed to the onslaught of female lawyers I encountered this morning, each with last minute tasks that were ALL priority. Thank you, ladies. Say, didn�t I ask you a few weeks ago if this is something we might need to do so that I could get a handle on it ahead of time? That�s funny, I believe I have that email I sent you, pleading to give me an answer some time BEFORE an hour to the deadline. Gotta love it, gotta laugh at it, because man, I don�t wanna have to kill it.

Maybe I AM addicted to caffeine. Shit. Do I have to kick that? I kicked smoking, I haven�t done a drug in god-knows-how-long (actually, I kinda have an idea, but it�s none of your business), and I very rarely drink. I�m ENTITLED to caffeine. If I lose my vices, I�ll be... �ick�... I�ll be almost virtuous . And we just can�t have that.

Okay, putting my shields back up and drawing my sword. It�s time to face the harpies again and get some work done.