�He who wishes to secure the good of others has already secured his own.� - Confucius
Sometimes, when I am alone with someone (say, my father or sister primarily), I will take my giant cat, the one with the white face, and set her on my lap. With the cat facing whomever my companion of the moment is, I will precariously place my fingers over her ears so that her head is flat and her ears go straight out horizontally. The effect of this move is that it makes my cat look like an old Asian man. Once she looks just right, I will say in my best Yoda-esque voice, �Catfucius say, he who harbors remote control harbors much anger.� Or something like that. It never gets old.
Dangerous it was, to download games on my Palm. I sense an evil lurking, much wasted time hovers over me in the form of Bejeweled addiction. I will fight it. I will win, eventually. But before then, I will score many, many points.
Tonight I�m doing NOTHING. Ladies� Night out with coworkers, they want me to go downtown with them. Ick. Downtown? Not up for it. Spider Monkey is going to a show at the Casbah. Not up for it. I realize, unless I am like, ON something, I find downtown and many other bars and/or nightclubs very boring. I find this revelation interesting. I thought that once M.s. was away for a day, I would break out like a catholic school girl and go retardedly wild. He�s going up to L.A. tonight, and I�m thinking, gee, wouldn�t it be great to knock out the rest of my homework for the week? Wouldn�t it be wonderful to get all of my homework done and then listen to some music? Ooh, wouldn�t it be great to listen to the music LOUD and SING ALONG? It goes down from there.
I�m okay with this. It�s refreshing to feel no pressure to be anywhere and meet up with people at any time. I just get to do my own thing tonight, and I�ve shirked more than two offers to party hardy. Craziness.
Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I will be getting a manicure-pedicure with my 8-month pregnant sister. Unfortunately, she won�t be able to see her own feet after they�re done, but I�ll describe them to the best of my abilities and hold mirrors however she wants me to. Hee hee. After that, we�ve got her baby shower. Sweet Jane. When Heather was pregnant, you KNEW it. There was baby talk and baby planning and everything was baby-this and baby-that. I keep forgetting that Jane is pregnant. That, and I see my sisters much less lately, so I�m not reminded by a growing belly I can�t see. But tomorrow, I�ll be spending the day with her. I can�t wait! She�s a gorgeous woman, through and through. She�s always been my idol, since I was a child and wrote in class who I�d most like to be. This will be fun.
After the baby shower, I get to see Zim and his lady friend! A little crew will accompany us to Benihana�s (a belated birthday gesture on Zim�s part � see? It NEVER ends, this celebration of me). I look forward to laughing and dining with him among others.
Sunday � I�m going to Fry�s. And I am going to CLEAN OUT the Palm accessory isle. God, I love my gadgets. Alright, I�m going to take advantage of this Claritin/Diet Coke high and get a whole lotta shit done right now! Have yourself a lovely little weekend too.
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