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On a Jet Plane

I promised Lucy I would update before I take off for another trip, and seeing as I leave tomorrow, I thought I'd get to it!

I need a home for my girls. Does anyone want two beautiful, black & white kitties? They're sisters, and they're simply wonderful. I can't keep them anymore. If you know anyone who's interested in giving my girls a good home, please contact me. I've had an emotional roller-coaster of the last few days. Stress of prepping for a long trip, stress of getting shit in order for some big stories I'm working on, and stress of finding a good home for my girls, sadness at the prospect of having to say goodbye.

I got to see everyone in my family this week. Faye is about to POP any day, I'm going to miss the birth of my nephew-to-be, Brian, but I'm sure he'll be able to hold out on meeting me until I return. I got to spend some time with friends, met with Dr. Zayaz over my new web site (almost done!!!), met with Cabana Boy over some elaborate plans for a story, hung with Spider Monkey, Nina and Jen for a decadent evening of homemade food, chocolate-raspberry cake and a really stupid girly flick (I'm too embarrassed to tell you), shared a refreshing, caffeinated beverage with Lucy as we shared updates on our eventful lives.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna call these fuckers at the Hat Shop and see if they finally shipped my hats. I mean, the reason I bought these things was primarily so I could wear them on the Vineyard. If they aren't there when I get there, I might just break apart. I'm fragile that way.

We fly out on the red-eye, first class, with travel-games and laptops in tow, though I'm sure I'll pass out as soon as my big ass hits the seat. I won't be here to see if there's any more hate mail (or positive mail) in the Readers for three weeks, but I'll be harrassing Lucy and my dad to read me any over the phone. I'm curious that way.

Alright, my eyes are red, I've got a LOT of shit to do, and I should knock some of it out before I get too tired and cranky to deal. I promise I'll update from my trip as soon as I get to a connection. Until then, my loves, I will miss you.


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On a Jet Plane 2004-07-30 8:54 p.m. I promised Lucy I would update before I take off for another trip, and seeing as I leave tomorrow, I thought I'd get to it!

I need a home for my girls. Does anyone want two beautiful, black & white kitties? They're sisters, and they're simply wonderful. I can't keep them anymore. If you know anyone who's interested in giving my girls a good home, please contact me. I've had an emotional roller-coaster of the last few days. Stress of prepping for a long trip, stress of getting shit in order for some big stories I'm working on, and stress of finding a good home for my girls, sadness at the prospect of having to say goodbye.

I got to see everyone in my family this week. Faye is about to POP any day, I'm going to miss the birth of my nephew-to-be, Brian, but I'm sure he'll be able to hold out on meeting me until I return. I got to spend some time with friends, met with Dr. Zayaz over my new web site (almost done!!!), met with Cabana Boy over some elaborate plans for a story, hung with Spider Monkey, Nina and Jen for a decadent evening of homemade food, chocolate-raspberry cake and a really stupid girly flick (I'm too embarrassed to tell you), shared a refreshing, caffeinated beverage with Lucy as we shared updates on our eventful lives.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna call these fuckers at the Hat Shop and see if they finally shipped my hats. I mean, the reason I bought these things was primarily so I could wear them on the Vineyard. If they aren't there when I get there, I might just break apart. I'm fragile that way.

We fly out on the red-eye, first class, with travel-games and laptops in tow, though I'm sure I'll pass out as soon as my big ass hits the seat. I won't be here to see if there's any more hate mail (or positive mail) in the Readers for three weeks, but I'll be harrassing Lucy and my dad to read me any over the phone. I'm curious that way.

Alright, my eyes are red, I've got a LOT of shit to do, and I should knock some of it out before I get too tired and cranky to deal. I promise I'll update from my trip as soon as I get to a connection. Until then, my loves, I will miss you.