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The Island & Real Estate

I'm on the Vineyard, dahlink. People here REALLY like pink, green, and yellow. I thought the preppy thing had died with the aligator shirts, but all around me I see upturned collars and sweaters draped over asses in white shorts. This is like an anthropology expedition for me -- trying to figure this species out, and whether or not I can effectively communicate with it.

Traveling the red-eye was a BIATCH. We traveled for over 13 hours straight, but didn't sleep for over 36. I think I lost a day, because I keep thinking it's a day before it is, you get me?

OH MY! Just as I'm typoing this, FedEx has FINALLY come! We got the paperwork on our condo... wish me luck, we're going to go look at it, and I'm going to try not to faint when I realize the numbers we're dealing with here. I don't have time to go into all of the details, but they released the unit in Hillcrest that we've been waiting for for over 6 months. We get first right of refusal, but we don't want to refuse. We want the place. It's just a matter of money and commitment now. Can we do it? Is it realistic?

Stay tuned! I'm sure I won't be able to help my urge to let you know.


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The Island & Real Estate 2004-08-04 4:55 p.m. I'm on the Vineyard, dahlink. People here REALLY like pink, green, and yellow. I thought the preppy thing had died with the aligator shirts, but all around me I see upturned collars and sweaters draped over asses in white shorts. This is like an anthropology expedition for me -- trying to figure this species out, and whether or not I can effectively communicate with it.

Traveling the red-eye was a BIATCH. We traveled for over 13 hours straight, but didn't sleep for over 36. I think I lost a day, because I keep thinking it's a day before it is, you get me?

OH MY! Just as I'm typoing this, FedEx has FINALLY come! We got the paperwork on our condo... wish me luck, we're going to go look at it, and I'm going to try not to faint when I realize the numbers we're dealing with here. I don't have time to go into all of the details, but they released the unit in Hillcrest that we've been waiting for for over 6 months. We get first right of refusal, but we don't want to refuse. We want the place. It's just a matter of money and commitment now. Can we do it? Is it realistic?

Stay tuned! I'm sure I won't be able to help my urge to let you know.