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Heading out of Town!

Shaun of the Dead was hilarious, emotional, tragic, and poignant. We went the other night with Dr. Zayaz, his woman, and 5 other cool kats to a late showing.

Speaking of shows, there's a No. 4 Gallery opening tonight for Michael Levin, and we're going to go, offer support, and hang out. So if you're in the area and have nothing going on, come to Kensington!

This morning I had some fun with M.s., oh yes I did! I'll miss him while I'm gone. I thought of sneaking him along with me, like I did when I went to that two-day mass tort seminar in L.A. You know, leave him tied up in the room until I feel like using him, but this is a girls (and Cabana Boy) ONLY weekend.

I leave in the morning for San Francisco. I'm excited! I must steer clear of the boutique shops, because I know I have a problem, and I know if I see it, I'll buy it, and I might not even need it. So we get in, a bunch of people are staying in a suite. I had to get my own room. I love my friends, but I don't "share" well -- I need my own bathroom, I want to walk around my room naked, and have no distractions when grooming and prepping for our nights on the town.

I'm so happy they're all at the same hotel, though! That makes things a lot easier. Don't worry, there will be a column about the weekend, including the drama it takes to organize a group of women. I've got much too much experience to miss a story opportunity like this one.

We're staying at the Triton Hotel , because M.s. suggested it to me, I booked a room there. Which is great, because I hear they have a fabulous bar! Among other, fun perks that I've been reading about on the web site, including wi-fi, which is necessary for me and my work while away.

I'm looking forward to staying in the town and actually having fun. I've been before, but situations involving people we've visited, and my own state of mind had led to shitty experiences. So yay! Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it, at least about the things we've not sworn to secrecy.


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Heading out of Town! 2004-10-14 1:23 p.m. Shaun of the Dead was hilarious, emotional, tragic, and poignant. We went the other night with Dr. Zayaz, his woman, and 5 other cool kats to a late showing.

Speaking of shows, there's a No. 4 Gallery opening tonight for Michael Levin, and we're going to go, offer support, and hang out. So if you're in the area and have nothing going on, come to Kensington!

This morning I had some fun with M.s., oh yes I did! I'll miss him while I'm gone. I thought of sneaking him along with me, like I did when I went to that two-day mass tort seminar in L.A. You know, leave him tied up in the room until I feel like using him, but this is a girls (and Cabana Boy) ONLY weekend.

I leave in the morning for San Francisco. I'm excited! I must steer clear of the boutique shops, because I know I have a problem, and I know if I see it, I'll buy it, and I might not even need it. So we get in, a bunch of people are staying in a suite. I had to get my own room. I love my friends, but I don't "share" well -- I need my own bathroom, I want to walk around my room naked, and have no distractions when grooming and prepping for our nights on the town.

I'm so happy they're all at the same hotel, though! That makes things a lot easier. Don't worry, there will be a column about the weekend, including the drama it takes to organize a group of women. I've got much too much experience to miss a story opportunity like this one.

We're staying at the Triton Hotel , because M.s. suggested it to me, I booked a room there. Which is great, because I hear they have a fabulous bar! Among other, fun perks that I've been reading about on the web site, including wi-fi, which is necessary for me and my work while away.

I'm looking forward to staying in the town and actually having fun. I've been before, but situations involving people we've visited, and my own state of mind had led to shitty experiences. So yay! Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it, at least about the things we've not sworn to secrecy.