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I'm slowly getting over the plague (ha! and you thought there were no survivors!) The other day we played an intense game of Scrabble with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. B . I regret to inform you that I did not win this game, but come on! A forensic pathologist and a lawyer surely have a vast number of words at their disposal that don't come up frequently enough in my writing. I'll get them on the rematch, though, when we venture to bother them again in New York City.

It's amazing, how wonderful it is to not be sniffling. One really comes to appreciate the small things about simply feeling "well" after one is ill for a time. Today, M.s. and I walked on a rocky shore, filled with stones that clack against each other as waves rush over them. We sat for awhile, taking in the sun, the clear air, the sounds of water and rock. It was wonderful. I mean, WONDERFUL. A happy moment, or string of them, if you will.

I'm reading this book, A Primate's Memoir, and I'm LOVING it. I flipped through the Acknowledgments to discover that the author's agent is a friend of ours - he thanks her in the front. It was a nice surprise, and I'd represent him too -- the man is brilliant, humorous, and can tell a good tale. I don't have his name off hand, you can google the title if you'd like to know.

I think I'll get back to it now. But first, a quote, for those of you who need to hear it: "I am not what happened to me; I am what I choose to become." -- C. G. Jung. ... May today you be whatever, and whomever, you choose to be.


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more Island Updates 2004-11-29 3:19 p.m. I'm slowly getting over the plague (ha! and you thought there were no survivors!) The other day we played an intense game of Scrabble with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. B . I regret to inform you that I did not win this game, but come on! A forensic pathologist and a lawyer surely have a vast number of words at their disposal that don't come up frequently enough in my writing. I'll get them on the rematch, though, when we venture to bother them again in New York City.

It's amazing, how wonderful it is to not be sniffling. One really comes to appreciate the small things about simply feeling "well" after one is ill for a time. Today, M.s. and I walked on a rocky shore, filled with stones that clack against each other as waves rush over them. We sat for awhile, taking in the sun, the clear air, the sounds of water and rock. It was wonderful. I mean, WONDERFUL. A happy moment, or string of them, if you will.

I'm reading this book, A Primate's Memoir, and I'm LOVING it. I flipped through the Acknowledgments to discover that the author's agent is a friend of ours - he thanks her in the front. It was a nice surprise, and I'd represent him too -- the man is brilliant, humorous, and can tell a good tale. I don't have his name off hand, you can google the title if you'd like to know.

I think I'll get back to it now. But first, a quote, for those of you who need to hear it: "I am not what happened to me; I am what I choose to become." -- C. G. Jung. ... May today you be whatever, and whomever, you choose to be.
halcyon - 2004-11-30 18:17:49
GREAT quote. And glad you are feeling better. ((HUG))