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Work Blog

I'm having lunch today with an old coworker. Funny, lots of things have come up lately that remind me of my past places of work. Last night there was a spot on ABC about people who were fired for their blogs. I can't tell you how many times my personal life has gotten me fired. It's funny, because now what I do for work is write about my personal life. Do what you love, right?

I thought about doing a fictional book, applying what I know and have experienced in the office world. That's a project for later, though. I've got enough lined up here to keep me busy for a while.

Last night I had dreams including people of my past, people who have rubbed me the wrong way. My thoughts on such a thing -- people in your life that you don't care for -- have been so rampant that I'm planning to write a column about the subject in my life.

As my father would say, everything in your life right now is a result of a series of choices you have made. If that's the case, I'm pretty proud of myself for choosing my way here, where I sit right now at my desk. A diet coke and some popcorn to my right, books of notes and thoughts to my left, this laptop in front of me, M.s. downstairs, working hard to create new images for his upcoming show, playing music he loves. I hear the music and picture him working at his computer -- doing what he loves. I have brought to myself these moments. For this, I thank me. Because these moments are golden.


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Work Blog 2005-02-10 10:58 a.m. I'm having lunch today with an old coworker. Funny, lots of things have come up lately that remind me of my past places of work. Last night there was a spot on ABC about people who were fired for their blogs. I can't tell you how many times my personal life has gotten me fired. It's funny, because now what I do for work is write about my personal life. Do what you love, right?

I thought about doing a fictional book, applying what I know and have experienced in the office world. That's a project for later, though. I've got enough lined up here to keep me busy for a while.

Last night I had dreams including people of my past, people who have rubbed me the wrong way. My thoughts on such a thing -- people in your life that you don't care for -- have been so rampant that I'm planning to write a column about the subject in my life.

As my father would say, everything in your life right now is a result of a series of choices you have made. If that's the case, I'm pretty proud of myself for choosing my way here, where I sit right now at my desk. A diet coke and some popcorn to my right, books of notes and thoughts to my left, this laptop in front of me, M.s. downstairs, working hard to create new images for his upcoming show, playing music he loves. I hear the music and picture him working at his computer -- doing what he loves. I have brought to myself these moments. For this, I thank me. Because these moments are golden.