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Friends Gone, work to do

"Literature encourages tolerance - bigots and fanatics seldom have any use for the arts, because they're so preoccupied with their beliefs and actions that they can't see them also as possibilities. -- Northrop Frye

Speaking of literature, I'm currently reading Bel Canto by Ann Patchett. So far, so good, beautifully written, and it's having an effect on my own writing, as I have been thinking of things in poetic ways.

Four pieces of furniture gone! It's weird to see so much of the floor downstairs. The first step of many we must take in the next two weeks to get our shit organized and packed. Lucy, I haven't forgotten you, Gorgeous, but we haven't even looked at the garage yet. M.s. was so busy with his lecture and workshop last week, that things are only now going to come to order.

Ellen and Kirby left town early this morning, oh how we'll miss them again! At least until we see them in Tahoe in January. Speaking of which, I need to book those tickets. And the ones for Thanksgiving. Hmm, I should probably write this down somewhere.

Saturday night I saw the new Wonka -- eh. Last night we took our visiting friends to the Adams Avenue Grill -- yummy! Today, M.s. and I need to get our actual work done (a few columns for me, some packing and shipping of artwork for him) so that we can get to work on all this clutter. And so it is said, and so it shall be done.


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Friends Gone, work to do 2005-07-18 11:12 a.m. "Literature encourages tolerance - bigots and fanatics seldom have any use for the arts, because they're so preoccupied with their beliefs and actions that they can't see them also as possibilities. -- Northrop Frye

Speaking of literature, I'm currently reading Bel Canto by Ann Patchett. So far, so good, beautifully written, and it's having an effect on my own writing, as I have been thinking of things in poetic ways.

Four pieces of furniture gone! It's weird to see so much of the floor downstairs. The first step of many we must take in the next two weeks to get our shit organized and packed. Lucy, I haven't forgotten you, Gorgeous, but we haven't even looked at the garage yet. M.s. was so busy with his lecture and workshop last week, that things are only now going to come to order.

Ellen and Kirby left town early this morning, oh how we'll miss them again! At least until we see them in Tahoe in January. Speaking of which, I need to book those tickets. And the ones for Thanksgiving. Hmm, I should probably write this down somewhere.

Saturday night I saw the new Wonka -- eh. Last night we took our visiting friends to the Adams Avenue Grill -- yummy! Today, M.s. and I need to get our actual work done (a few columns for me, some packing and shipping of artwork for him) so that we can get to work on all this clutter. And so it is said, and so it shall be done.