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Talking in My Sleep

"There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect." -- G.K. Chesterson

It's a good thing our new mattress is so comfortable, or else I probably would have awoken M.s. from all the talking I did in my sleep. How do I know I was talking? At one point, I woke myself up with a fully enunciated and almost shouted "Shut up!" The force of it is what woke me up, but I was still close enough to the dream to remember the argument and with whom I was having it.

Yesterday, the downstairs bathroom was painted Ralph Lauren's Chester Grey, more of an olive color, reallly. Lookin' good! By Saturday we'll be able to unpack!

The wall will be completed today! Yay, no more construction (though the guys have all been wonderful) banging around on the terrace. Yesterday, it was Henry and Leonard working their bums off. Leonard brought pictures of his sand castle, which won this year's Sand Castle Contest in San Diego. We were stoked that he shared with us, and I'm always interested to find out where people's passions lay.

I'm really digging these cloudy days. Or is it just that I'm up at 6 a.m. that I get to see the haze and marine layer of early morn? Whichever the case, it's invigorating. This afternoon, between greeting the wall guys and the painter, I'll be running over to the condo my dad has for rent in Mission Hills to meet with a prospective tenant -- Dad's in Korea and Mom has to be at work during the day. But I am close and my schedule is flexible, and helping out in any way I can is the least I can do for two people who have done SO MUCH for me.

I never found those business cards, by the way. I can't wait until we unpack! Life will be more normal than ever once we do. Normal in the most fabulous way possible, of course.


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Talking in My Sleep 2005-08-17 6:48 a.m. "There is a road from the eye to the heart that does not go through the intellect." -- G.K. Chesterson

It's a good thing our new mattress is so comfortable, or else I probably would have awoken M.s. from all the talking I did in my sleep. How do I know I was talking? At one point, I woke myself up with a fully enunciated and almost shouted "Shut up!" The force of it is what woke me up, but I was still close enough to the dream to remember the argument and with whom I was having it.

Yesterday, the downstairs bathroom was painted Ralph Lauren's Chester Grey, more of an olive color, reallly. Lookin' good! By Saturday we'll be able to unpack!

The wall will be completed today! Yay, no more construction (though the guys have all been wonderful) banging around on the terrace. Yesterday, it was Henry and Leonard working their bums off. Leonard brought pictures of his sand castle, which won this year's Sand Castle Contest in San Diego. We were stoked that he shared with us, and I'm always interested to find out where people's passions lay.

I'm really digging these cloudy days. Or is it just that I'm up at 6 a.m. that I get to see the haze and marine layer of early morn? Whichever the case, it's invigorating. This afternoon, between greeting the wall guys and the painter, I'll be running over to the condo my dad has for rent in Mission Hills to meet with a prospective tenant -- Dad's in Korea and Mom has to be at work during the day. But I am close and my schedule is flexible, and helping out in any way I can is the least I can do for two people who have done SO MUCH for me.

I never found those business cards, by the way. I can't wait until we unpack! Life will be more normal than ever once we do. Normal in the most fabulous way possible, of course.