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Chilly Willy

"In the case of good books, the point is not how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you." -- Mortimer J. Adler

It's freaking COLD in Boston! The fabulous Miss Ellen picked us up at the airport and now we're playing Scrabble over some port. Kirby's winning, but I'm in second. No one can overcome his word, Judo, which earned him 60 points.

Anyhoo. United Airlines was in rare form today. First Class was exceptionally first class. We've never been treated so well on a plane as we were today. Was it the specific staff? Or have things changed that much in four months? We'll find out on the way home.

It's a good thing I brought sweaters and a coat, man. Because it's nipply here. Even though my boobs are shrinking, they can sense how cold it is.

Alright, I'm a little buzzed. Back to the game. And to the 20 year Taylor Fladgate Tawny Ellen was wonderful enough to procure.


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Chilly Willy 2005-11-18 6:40 p.m. "In the case of good books, the point is not how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you." -- Mortimer J. Adler

It's freaking COLD in Boston! The fabulous Miss Ellen picked us up at the airport and now we're playing Scrabble over some port. Kirby's winning, but I'm in second. No one can overcome his word, Judo, which earned him 60 points.

Anyhoo. United Airlines was in rare form today. First Class was exceptionally first class. We've never been treated so well on a plane as we were today. Was it the specific staff? Or have things changed that much in four months? We'll find out on the way home.

It's a good thing I brought sweaters and a coat, man. Because it's nipply here. Even though my boobs are shrinking, they can sense how cold it is.

Alright, I'm a little buzzed. Back to the game. And to the 20 year Taylor Fladgate Tawny Ellen was wonderful enough to procure. Ellen the Fridgid - 2005-11-20 09:19:11
Yup those "thermometers" were registering something alright! Someday I'll not come in last at a game of Scrabble. Rematch...? ;-D -E