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So last night I did something kinda stupid in the name of entertainment. Luckily, I'm okay. Tim wants to try and whack again next week, though. Hmm. I have allowed someone to punch me in order to heal me of something that doesn't "really" need to be healed. Curious? Well, I'm writing an article about the whole experience, from conception of supposed illness to the attempt to cure-by-whacking.
When the article comes out, not next week, but the week after, you'll find out what the hell this is all about. And the lengths I'm willing to go to for an interesting story. Well, and just to do something stupid. We can't all be geniuses, you know.
I got to hang out with Renee the other day, fun, fun, fun! Hopefully Fizgig and Nina will get a chance to hang out with us this afternoon, because tomorrow they move away... :(
Tomorrow, I am going to see Narnia with Jen and I can't fucking wait. We grew up watching the cartoon movie, we could recite lines from it for years, and still can! And now, we two sisters are going to GEEK the fuck OUT in the middle of the afternoon at the theater as we watch the cartoon come to life. Oh, yeah, I can taste the excitement. My heart beats fast with geekiness just at the thought. Aslan. Turkish delights. Talking beavers. What could be more awesome?
Apparently, my dad is getting a sneak peak later today, on the military base. If I had known, oh, if I had known, I would have tried to squeeze in on those plans as well and see it twice. But the geek factor will be much more intensified if Jen and I are both seeing it for the first time together.
God help the people who sit around us.
I CAN'T WAIT!!! I think I just peed a little.