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A sore shoulder, an injured mother

So Charlie says this pain in my neck (my trapeezy-something) is a result of stress and work (typing). I'd have to agree. He did some research and shit, so I'm going to trust him on this one. The good news is, I was still able to do all of the upper-body exercises minus anything that worked the trapeezy-muscle. And my ass hurts, which is also a good thing. Are you sick of me talking about my lunge-butt? I like talking about it. I like thinking about WHY my ass hurts so much -- because I'm getting strong and healthy. Humor me.

There's a MuM event tonight at Osetra, this new place downtown. I think we might check it out. Tomorrow night my cousins will be visiting our place so they can see it before they head back to New York on Thursday. They can break in our new patio furniture and allow M.s. to shower them with wine, cheese, honey, and nuts. Oh, wait, we ate all the almonds yesterday during an intense game of Scrabble. Perhaps we'll go to the store this afternoon.

What else? My mother is not well, she hurt her knee very badly, the doctor says stay off it for a week and my job today is to convince her to do just that. I'm going over my plan of attack right now, bribes and threats, any method that might get her to follow the doctor's orders, something at which she is notoriously bad.

It's noon, I have a calendar "event of the week" to write, so I better get on it. After I shower. Because when I got back from the gym, I hopped right on an interview and now the sweat has dried, but I am still in my gym clothes. It's amazing how I can work out like that and still smell like flowers. I'll shower anyway, if only to rinse away the residue of salt from sweat and to wet my hair, thereby making it more agreeable to the public. After all, like I said, I might be going out tonight. I wouldn't want my hair to appear disagreeable. Heaven forbid.


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A sore shoulder, an injured mother 2006-04-18 11:46 a.m. So Charlie says this pain in my neck (my trapeezy-something) is a result of stress and work (typing). I'd have to agree. He did some research and shit, so I'm going to trust him on this one. The good news is, I was still able to do all of the upper-body exercises minus anything that worked the trapeezy-muscle. And my ass hurts, which is also a good thing. Are you sick of me talking about my lunge-butt? I like talking about it. I like thinking about WHY my ass hurts so much -- because I'm getting strong and healthy. Humor me.

There's a MuM event tonight at Osetra, this new place downtown. I think we might check it out. Tomorrow night my cousins will be visiting our place so they can see it before they head back to New York on Thursday. They can break in our new patio furniture and allow M.s. to shower them with wine, cheese, honey, and nuts. Oh, wait, we ate all the almonds yesterday during an intense game of Scrabble. Perhaps we'll go to the store this afternoon.

What else? My mother is not well, she hurt her knee very badly, the doctor says stay off it for a week and my job today is to convince her to do just that. I'm going over my plan of attack right now, bribes and threats, any method that might get her to follow the doctor's orders, something at which she is notoriously bad.

It's noon, I have a calendar "event of the week" to write, so I better get on it. After I shower. Because when I got back from the gym, I hopped right on an interview and now the sweat has dried, but I am still in my gym clothes. It's amazing how I can work out like that and still smell like flowers. I'll shower anyway, if only to rinse away the residue of salt from sweat and to wet my hair, thereby making it more agreeable to the public. After all, like I said, I might be going out tonight. I wouldn't want my hair to appear disagreeable. Heaven forbid.