�O! This learning, what a thing it is.� � William Shakespeare
I am so unbelievably excited about my first class next Wednesday. I�ve received all the books and memorized the syllabus, I�ve begun to read assignments and I�ve completed the registration process on my student web site. What fun, how STIMULATING this all is, I am buzzing with energy and drive, and fuck, it feels great. I feel like I�m not wasting time, I feel ALIVE. Whew! Anyway, that�s that. I�m crossing my fingers that my recovery from oral surgery takes less that 5 days, because I�d hate to miss a night of my first course.
I wasn�t concerned about the recovery too much, until SOMEONE yesterday, a coworker, came into my office and said the following: �So, I heard that your wisdom tooth root has gone into your sinuses. That happened to me, you know, right here,� she pointed high on her left cheek. �You know what they did to me? They had to drill up into my sinuses to get the rest of it, and then, because there was a big hole in my sinuses after that, they had to take skin from the inside of my cheek to reconstruct the passage� man, I was out for a WEEK. The stitches were huge, but don�t worry, I don�t remember any pain, I was pretty much knocked out and sleeping from the pain killers for the entire week.�
Uh� AH! I chanted inside my head a tune about my resiliency, my ability to heal quickly, that this will be NICE for me, that after this there will be no more pain in my mouth, and I�ll have a weekend off, to watch TV, sip through a straw, relax and read. WHY she had to tell me all that, I do not know. But I will NOT let it affect me. If I can suffer through years of deep cavities and impacted teeth, I can certainly handle the removal of these proverbial splinters in my jaw. AND, I�ll have a perfectly good reason to get doped up on painkillers and act like a nincompoop. Chances like that don�t come every day, my friends.
Okay, moving on� my office is clean and in order, I am knocking shit out, just like I said I would. I�m SO good. Yesterday, I wore my new boots to the office. Mm, my new booooots. I wish I had a picture to post. Platform, huge, long, grip-able heel, laces, leather. I could have taken them to bed, but I refrained, for my father�s sake. Ah yes, I had dinner with Dad last night, laundry and laughter, a wonderfully chill evening. I left the boots side by side, on display, on the table. For our mutual appreciation, only it wasn�t really mutual. But no matter, because I could see them. M.s. has pleased me greatly!
Tomorrow night, I�m going red-in-the-head again. This week is just packed with all kinds of fun! Okay, back to work, I do have to remember my priorities here. Fuckin� A.
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