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Friends, Football, Fiending, and Fabulous Hair!

My very dear friend (whom I got to have lunch with yesterday, about time!) posted some GREAT PICS of himself through various stages of his life. God, the Cocky years. I can name every party or place where every one of those pictures was taken. Very cool. I like the cameos of Jim and Liz as well, a little love and a little flair, all prevalent pieces of that chunk of time. Too cool, Johnny!

Okay, some updates. I JUST found out TODAY (never said I paid much attention to sports) that we will have The Raiders AND The Buccaneers (note the CHEESY intro to this second site � it pretty much encapsulates everything I know and think about diehard football fans). Anyway, the only reason this is SO important to me right now, is that the FANS of THESE two teams will be trickling into MY city this week and taking OVER this weekend. I don�t know from which cities these teams come from. All I know is that they BOTH have aggressive mascots, pirates and skulls, crossbones and swords� these are NOT the cheese-heads from Wisconsin that were here a few years ago. Now THOSE people were rowdy and unbelievably obnoxious, but fuck, they were CHEESE HEADS, and I basically ended up laughing at their ridiculous hats every time I encountered one in MY city.

But this is another breed of fan. This is aggressive, this is confrontational, think about it: Pirates!? They INVADED, raped, pillaged, stole, hardy har har!! I don�t even KNOW what the fuck a Buccaneer is, but I do know that it�s not a dolphin! Or a soft, cuddly bear! Hmm. It�s a good thing I�ll be at the movies that day. Avoid ALL. Watch commercials online LATER. These people scare me.

Okay, onto the next little update � I haven�t said much about this, but now that it�s been so long, I might as well mention it � it�s been over a month since I had a cigarette. I haven�t even wanted one. No, I�m not counting the delicious drags I stole on New Year�s Eve, and yes I did. I used to smoke at least a handful a day. I tried to take a drag off of a friend�s cigarette a few weeks ago, and it hurt . I coughed, as if I was smoking for the first time. My lungs have cleared themselves out, and if I want to smoke again, I would have to force my way through the first pack. And, well, that would just be stupid. I have to say, though, I miss it. I don�t crave it, but I miss it. I�d like to just go have a cigarette, it�s relaxing and meditative, satisfying in a sick, I-shouldn�t-be-doing-this sort of way.

But I won�t. I don�t think I�ve EVER gone THIS long without a satisfying drag. It sure makes social situations a lot easier, not having to leave for a smoke, or smell like smoke, or have smoke in the air around non-smokers. I don�t mind it in the air around me, there�s something recently nostalgic and yet reassuringly disgusting about it to me. So there you have it. That pack in my car is still full, still sitting there, a reminder that it�s not because I can�t, but because I won�t.

Alright, what else� tonight, HAIR. M.s. and I are going to have some fun with color. Ooh, another way to mark My property, branding the hair, it�s actually pretty sweet, if you think about it. Dark hair, red streaks, big chunks for Me, a centered red-line down the middle for him. Ooh, I can�t wait! Ronaldo is very talented, and he will make us look FABULOUS! Just in time for the weekend!


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Friends, Football, Fiending, and Fabulous Hair! 2003-01-23 8:58 a.m. My very dear friend (whom I got to have lunch with yesterday, about time!) posted some GREAT PICS of himself through various stages of his life. God, the Cocky years. I can name every party or place where every one of those pictures was taken. Very cool. I like the cameos of Jim and Liz as well, a little love and a little flair, all prevalent pieces of that chunk of time. Too cool, Johnny!

Okay, some updates. I JUST found out TODAY (never said I paid much attention to sports) that we will have The Raiders AND The Buccaneers (note the CHEESY intro to this second site � it pretty much encapsulates everything I know and think about diehard football fans). Anyway, the only reason this is SO important to me right now, is that the FANS of THESE two teams will be trickling into MY city this week and taking OVER this weekend. I don�t know from which cities these teams come from. All I know is that they BOTH have aggressive mascots, pirates and skulls, crossbones and swords� these are NOT the cheese-heads from Wisconsin that were here a few years ago. Now THOSE people were rowdy and unbelievably obnoxious, but fuck, they were CHEESE HEADS, and I basically ended up laughing at their ridiculous hats every time I encountered one in MY city.

But this is another breed of fan. This is aggressive, this is confrontational, think about it: Pirates!? They INVADED, raped, pillaged, stole, hardy har har!! I don�t even KNOW what the fuck a Buccaneer is, but I do know that it�s not a dolphin! Or a soft, cuddly bear! Hmm. It�s a good thing I�ll be at the movies that day. Avoid ALL. Watch commercials online LATER. These people scare me.

Okay, onto the next little update � I haven�t said much about this, but now that it�s been so long, I might as well mention it � it�s been over a month since I had a cigarette. I haven�t even wanted one. No, I�m not counting the delicious drags I stole on New Year�s Eve, and yes I did. I used to smoke at least a handful a day. I tried to take a drag off of a friend�s cigarette a few weeks ago, and it hurt . I coughed, as if I was smoking for the first time. My lungs have cleared themselves out, and if I want to smoke again, I would have to force my way through the first pack. And, well, that would just be stupid. I have to say, though, I miss it. I don�t crave it, but I miss it. I�d like to just go have a cigarette, it�s relaxing and meditative, satisfying in a sick, I-shouldn�t-be-doing-this sort of way.

But I won�t. I don�t think I�ve EVER gone THIS long without a satisfying drag. It sure makes social situations a lot easier, not having to leave for a smoke, or smell like smoke, or have smoke in the air around non-smokers. I don�t mind it in the air around me, there�s something recently nostalgic and yet reassuringly disgusting about it to me. So there you have it. That pack in my car is still full, still sitting there, a reminder that it�s not because I can�t, but because I won�t.

Alright, what else� tonight, HAIR. M.s. and I are going to have some fun with color. Ooh, another way to mark My property, branding the hair, it�s actually pretty sweet, if you think about it. Dark hair, red streaks, big chunks for Me, a centered red-line down the middle for him. Ooh, I can�t wait! Ronaldo is very talented, and he will make us look FABULOUS! Just in time for the weekend!