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Stupid People and Birthdays (NOT RELATED)

There are few things I loathe more than lifted trucks and the people who drive them. Any time I see a sticker of Calvin pissing on ANYTHING , whether it�s a rival car brand or Osama Bin Ladin, I cringe. However, it does help that this low breed of people choose to label themselves so clearly. I know when there�s a red-neck in my midst, a back-woods country boy, a beer-guzzling trouble-maker, someone with a small penis, perhaps, ever striving to compensate for the sake of his masculinity. Just look for the lifted trucks and the stupid stickers, and steer clear. There is no reasoning with this breed, save your energy for other things. Like Cadillac SUVs. God help me, I�m not even going to go there. I�ll just say this - people are more transparent than they think, and the message they�re getting across is not the one they think they�re sending. I will forever be annoyed, disgusted, yet thoroughly fascinated and intrigued by people. I will never be able to stop analyzing them. I may just have to become a therapist, get inside the heads of those very people that disturb me. Try to understand. But that�s for another day.

For now, more LOVING thoughts! Today is one of my BESTEST FRIENDS in THE WORLD�s BIRTHDAY!!! I love me my Johnny Boy . I hope I get to see him soon to give him a nice, big squeeze! And a hug, of course. Hee hee.

I missed Honey�s birthday, she�ll get a belated squeeze. And Samy, mon cherie, is too far away for a squeeze at all, but today is also his birthday. Ah, celebrations! MINE is coming up in September. Write it down, and remember, as far as you�re concerned, the 17th of September is a holiday.

Let�s see, what else, before I get back on the �I hate stupid people and their symbols of stupidity� kick. Tonight, I have a math final. And I�m not nervous at all. I�ve got it down, that feels good. I�m being productive at work, that feels good. The only thing missing in this feel-good streak is an orgasm, but I�ll have to take care of that later. Too much to do before I leave the office for the day. Yes, yes, so much to do. Well, let�s get to it then.


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Stupid People and Birthdays (NOT RELATED) 2003-05-28 1:18 p.m. There are few things I loathe more than lifted trucks and the people who drive them. Any time I see a sticker of Calvin pissing on ANYTHING , whether it�s a rival car brand or Osama Bin Ladin, I cringe. However, it does help that this low breed of people choose to label themselves so clearly. I know when there�s a red-neck in my midst, a back-woods country boy, a beer-guzzling trouble-maker, someone with a small penis, perhaps, ever striving to compensate for the sake of his masculinity. Just look for the lifted trucks and the stupid stickers, and steer clear. There is no reasoning with this breed, save your energy for other things. Like Cadillac SUVs. God help me, I�m not even going to go there. I�ll just say this - people are more transparent than they think, and the message they�re getting across is not the one they think they�re sending. I will forever be annoyed, disgusted, yet thoroughly fascinated and intrigued by people. I will never be able to stop analyzing them. I may just have to become a therapist, get inside the heads of those very people that disturb me. Try to understand. But that�s for another day.

For now, more LOVING thoughts! Today is one of my BESTEST FRIENDS in THE WORLD�s BIRTHDAY!!! I love me my Johnny Boy . I hope I get to see him soon to give him a nice, big squeeze! And a hug, of course. Hee hee.

I missed Honey�s birthday, she�ll get a belated squeeze. And Samy, mon cherie, is too far away for a squeeze at all, but today is also his birthday. Ah, celebrations! MINE is coming up in September. Write it down, and remember, as far as you�re concerned, the 17th of September is a holiday.

Let�s see, what else, before I get back on the �I hate stupid people and their symbols of stupidity� kick. Tonight, I have a math final. And I�m not nervous at all. I�ve got it down, that feels good. I�m being productive at work, that feels good. The only thing missing in this feel-good streak is an orgasm, but I�ll have to take care of that later. Too much to do before I leave the office for the day. Yes, yes, so much to do. Well, let�s get to it then.