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dinners, movies, galleries, moving, and a little bit of blood

Action-packed weekend. I had no idea I�d see so many people and have so much fun, especially on MOVING day! Alright, Monday morning, my clitoris is bleeding, but maybe I�ll get to that later. For now, I�ll give you the low-down on my weekend, another glimpse into my world, and what one does when one is me.

Friday night, packa-packa! Said like Fozzie Bear, of course. I went to a nice Italian restaurant with Spider Monkey and M.s., and then we all went to see Finding Nemo! Funny movie, I laughed hard through most of it. Even the annoyance of children at a late-night Friday night showing didn�t ruin the film for me, it was that good.

Saturday, after coffee with Zim, I headed home for more packa-packa. Then, it was on to the gallery opening! New gallery, Limbo is its name. A few friends of mine were displaying their art, and I saw some new artists� creations - interesting. Cabana Boy at the bar, and I wore my fabulous black & white feather hat. So chichi, darling. I got to catch up a bit with Mikey V (so many laughs, so much fun!), and chatted the drizzly evening away with good friends. Then, back to M.s.�s, and we called Ollie forth to watch Catch Me if You Can on DVD. Oh, yes.

Sunday! M.s. and I brunched with Shonda & Cabana B., and I learned about Malaysia and her travels, dancing and spinning fire at exotic clubs in exotic places. Wow! She glowed with the experience and seems to thrive on her ever exciting and love-filled life. Very cool. After that, it was time to move. Ollie & Zim are GODS. They carried all of that shit upstairs, helped me and my father immensely. I�m so excited! The new place is looking great, and My man is going to help me make my room beautiful. Another benefit of dating a creative perfectionist. Hee hee. After the move, or most of it (we still have to get the kitchen and the bathrooms and all of the shit and clutter of paperwork and magazines and crap I�m lobbying to throw away), Dad went to catch Lord of the Dance and M.s. and I went to Benihana�s.

We sat next to an interesting couple, and the food was delicious! I had so much fun! I�d never been to the restaurant before, and if you haven�t heard of it, the chef comes and cooks ON your table. He flips the knives in the air and catches things in his hat. He makes pictures with the food and music with the salt & pepper shakers. What fun! I had a great time.

To end the weekend, M.s. picked up his new assistant last night at around 1 or 2 a.m. And it begins! M.s. is going to shoot into high-gear, and he now has a full-time employee to help. I can�t wait to see all of those wonderful ideas in his head come to fruition. New projects, a new gallery, and his existing work, of course. It�s all very exciting!

So I�ll leave us with that. I�m at work, debating on whether or not I want to call a doctor and explain just HOW I chafed my clit. It�s just not a subject for easy conversation with a stranger. You don�t count. Sigh. If I can just go ONE day without touching myself, I KNOW that it will heal. Wish me luck.


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dinners, movies, galleries, moving, and a little bit of blood 2003-06-09 10:17 a.m. Action-packed weekend. I had no idea I�d see so many people and have so much fun, especially on MOVING day! Alright, Monday morning, my clitoris is bleeding, but maybe I�ll get to that later. For now, I�ll give you the low-down on my weekend, another glimpse into my world, and what one does when one is me.

Friday night, packa-packa! Said like Fozzie Bear, of course. I went to a nice Italian restaurant with Spider Monkey and M.s., and then we all went to see Finding Nemo! Funny movie, I laughed hard through most of it. Even the annoyance of children at a late-night Friday night showing didn�t ruin the film for me, it was that good.

Saturday, after coffee with Zim, I headed home for more packa-packa. Then, it was on to the gallery opening! New gallery, Limbo is its name. A few friends of mine were displaying their art, and I saw some new artists� creations - interesting. Cabana Boy at the bar, and I wore my fabulous black & white feather hat. So chichi, darling. I got to catch up a bit with Mikey V (so many laughs, so much fun!), and chatted the drizzly evening away with good friends. Then, back to M.s.�s, and we called Ollie forth to watch Catch Me if You Can on DVD. Oh, yes.

Sunday! M.s. and I brunched with Shonda & Cabana B., and I learned about Malaysia and her travels, dancing and spinning fire at exotic clubs in exotic places. Wow! She glowed with the experience and seems to thrive on her ever exciting and love-filled life. Very cool. After that, it was time to move. Ollie & Zim are GODS. They carried all of that shit upstairs, helped me and my father immensely. I�m so excited! The new place is looking great, and My man is going to help me make my room beautiful. Another benefit of dating a creative perfectionist. Hee hee. After the move, or most of it (we still have to get the kitchen and the bathrooms and all of the shit and clutter of paperwork and magazines and crap I�m lobbying to throw away), Dad went to catch Lord of the Dance and M.s. and I went to Benihana�s.

We sat next to an interesting couple, and the food was delicious! I had so much fun! I�d never been to the restaurant before, and if you haven�t heard of it, the chef comes and cooks ON your table. He flips the knives in the air and catches things in his hat. He makes pictures with the food and music with the salt & pepper shakers. What fun! I had a great time.

To end the weekend, M.s. picked up his new assistant last night at around 1 or 2 a.m. And it begins! M.s. is going to shoot into high-gear, and he now has a full-time employee to help. I can�t wait to see all of those wonderful ideas in his head come to fruition. New projects, a new gallery, and his existing work, of course. It�s all very exciting!

So I�ll leave us with that. I�m at work, debating on whether or not I want to call a doctor and explain just HOW I chafed my clit. It�s just not a subject for easy conversation with a stranger. You don�t count. Sigh. If I can just go ONE day without touching myself, I KNOW that it will heal. Wish me luck.