"Don't ask me who's influenced me. A lion is made up of the lambs he's digested, and I've been reading all my life." -- Giorgos Seferis
I wish I had thought to say THAT when I was asked the question months ago. But onward and upward! As you can see, I have successfully, with the help of the Doctor, added comments to my page. I will have you know that I did not set it up to email me when a comment is added, but I may do this in the future, especially if I discover comments on older entries, which I'm not really expecting.
It's almost 5 a.m., I'm showered and almost ready -- the last thing I need to do is add eyeliner and lipstick. It's dark outside. Ollie is sleeping on the futon bed in the living room, where I just turned on ALL the lights (a girl needs lights to put on her face, you know). I wonder if he just heard me fart. We may never know.
I'm procrastinating. Again. Here I go, and I'll be gone, working on this research that you will read about in the Reader, for about 15 hours. Gonna be a long day. I'd have coffee, but I'd hate to have a stomach ache in the middle of the day, it would be really inconvenient for everyone. See? Still procrastinating. Hope you have a great day, and a great weekend, and thanks for reading!!!
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