Whew! Alright, back to normality. Or whatever this is. Dinner was wonderful, and our company was fabulous. The Dr. and the Gorgeous New Yorker wined, dined, and laughed with us through the tasting, and there was hardly anything on the plates I didn't like. I'm excited to know that my father is coming back early from the east coast, I pick him up from the airport tomorrow!
It's a busy few days. Tonight, Spider Monkey is stopping by to look at some photos I plan to post on my site (I need friend approval before doing this). I wouldn't have thought to ask, except my sisters FREAKED OUT when I mentioned posting pictures of them, and I need to respect everyone's privacy and wishes - to a point. You never know, someone could hunt you down and kill you because they saw your photo on a web site. It happens all the time with movie stars. Then again, the same could happen if someone spots you at the grocery store, but we'll do what we can to limit the possibility.
I have a feeling that at some point, I will burn a bridge or two with my words. Some burnt bridges are reparable, but others aren't. This is what I have come up with regarding the issue -- I can't please everyone, I can't make everyone happy, but if I'm true to myself, and not a complete asshole for the sake of being an asshole, I'll make more people happy than I will miserable. And those I make miserable will most likely be miserable to begin with, so no real harm done.
But I'm not really talking about anything, am I. This is a self-rationalization sort of post, I'm trying to make myself feel okay for telling on people. But you know what? I'm not "telling on" anyone. I'm sharing my thoughts and feelings, which I am entitled to do, which I am paid to do, which I will do at every opportunity I have. If you don't like who you are, this may be a problem.
Now, I've got some work to do.
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