"My aim is to agitate and disturb people. I'm not selling bread, I'm selling yeast." -- Miguel de Unamuno
It's been an interesting week, but now that we're halfway through it, things are calming down and getting mellower. My dad gets back early from the east coast, I'll be picking him up at the airport after Ron does my hair. After that, Nina and Fizgig are popping over for food and a movie, something crazy in Chinese.
Tomorrow may be my busiest day yet -- I take Spider Monkey to the airport, meet up with Secret Agent Man for more press-packet stuff, possibly drive up to Canada to help a friend out with something fun, and then back into town for Culture & Cocktails at the San Diego Museum of Art. Remind me to call Bee & Gee about that, they're supposed to come with us.
Work is going great, I was on a roll last night with a really fun story I'm working on. This morning was fabulous, M.s. pleased me something proper and I got an email from a head honcho that made me feel good. I put some more pictures up on my diva site (on the new article, and only one in the photo page, but I'm working on it, I promise!) You should have it bookmarked by now .
M.s. came up with a great idea for me to do a calendar section, to tell people what's fun to do in town, or at least what's on MY list of fun things I want to do in town, and when I'm doing them. This way, I can post friends' events and such, and publicly keep track of the goings on in our fair city. I'll be meeting with Dr. Zayaz soon to discuss the design options.
So, back to my story! I hope everyone has as great a hump day as I've had thus far, and it's only 10:00 a.m.
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