"I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read." -- Samuel Johnson
Now that I am learning more about Mr. Johnson (I've gone back to the Professor and the Madman, having completely given up on Koontz), these quotes seem to mean more to me. After all, he created the first recognized version of the dictionary with words gleaned from his books.
Today, I must cancel my second piano lesson in two weeks. M.s. and I are hitting up the home expo in Del Mar. We missed the last one, and today is the best day for us to attend this weekend. That must be frustrating for Frank . I hope he's not too bothered by my difficult schedule.
I wonder if the rain will affect the show today -- I've never been to one of these in Del Mar. It was nice to have a break yesterday, a complete day off. Running errands, vistiting my sisters, without a pressing need to get back to my laptop. Sigh.
Add today and it's an actual weekend!
Thank you for your ideas and keep 'em coming. I still want to know what you would ENJOY reading/learning about.
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