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Friends and Family

It was a people-packed weekend! Friday night we had dinner with our friend, J.B. , who is here at the Four Seasons for some annual techie meeting. This is the man who, as this recent article in the Guardian mentions, "he may have the most enviable address book in the English-speaking world". I believe it. I mean, I'm in there, right? hee hee.

What it comes down to, is he is a good man, a friend, and an amazing literary agent for many, including most recently, Xeni, whom I spoke with on J.B.'s phone after dinner. With his help, she will go far, and according to most people, she already has with her articles to Wired and her TV spots. As I mentioned to Xeni during our brief conversation, geeks are cool.

Saturday afternoon, I had a little recital, and I played quite well. After that, M.s. and I headed up north (why are so many people moving farther and farther north?) to Jimmeh's birthday party. Fun! That's the longest, relaxing time with a group of friends I've had in a while, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Sunday morning, Jenny and I went to church with Dad, and had lunch afterwards. I felt rejuvenated when I was driving home to write my column. So refreshed and energetic from the laughter and love, that I hammered the sucker out in under two hours -- impressive even for me.

And now, on to something else.


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Friends and Family 2005-05-23 8:30 a.m. It was a people-packed weekend! Friday night we had dinner with our friend, J.B. , who is here at the Four Seasons for some annual techie meeting. This is the man who, as this recent article in the Guardian mentions, "he may have the most enviable address book in the English-speaking world". I believe it. I mean, I'm in there, right? hee hee.

What it comes down to, is he is a good man, a friend, and an amazing literary agent for many, including most recently, Xeni, whom I spoke with on J.B.'s phone after dinner. With his help, she will go far, and according to most people, she already has with her articles to Wired and her TV spots. As I mentioned to Xeni during our brief conversation, geeks are cool.

Saturday afternoon, I had a little recital, and I played quite well. After that, M.s. and I headed up north (why are so many people moving farther and farther north?) to Jimmeh's birthday party. Fun! That's the longest, relaxing time with a group of friends I've had in a while, and I enjoyed it immensely.

Sunday morning, Jenny and I went to church with Dad, and had lunch afterwards. I felt rejuvenated when I was driving home to write my column. So refreshed and energetic from the laughter and love, that I hammered the sucker out in under two hours -- impressive even for me.

And now, on to something else.